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DigiTech RP200
DigiTech RP200
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Pakupaku (lcl) Pakupaku (lcl)
Published on 01/21/04 at 05:29
I refer to the résumé of Bourretapipe ...


Trs easy to use, the limit of the manual unnecessary.
you can not go deep into all custom settings effects, but not the lo'bjet the RP200. it positions itself clearly as a TRS while an entry level for beginners or amateur studio (within the meaning of the term real estate), and above it is an error-free.


The amp simulations, even if they remain trs simulation are well made, individual effects are somewhat Ingala but there is really good overall, and sounds plutt well. used with an electric guitar made in china, I found myself with a mtalleux in my living room;)
dj as mentioned below, the factory presets are fun to beginners, but as soon Gavs drunk too much of everything. but once we started to make its user presets, the machine is discovering a simple, friendly and with its catchy.

of breath, yes, there are, but not more than one multi-effects pedals without worth twice the price of the RP200, so I do not see or is the problem.


For two weeks, and I think we'll spend good time together ... trs