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DigiTech RP350
DigiTech RP350
ybe ybe
Published on 01/31/07 at 09:56
Too numerous to mention. There are all small scratch quune not rich trs ADDITION esprer can find on the market deffets pedals. All in a single processor.
In addition it has the quality design, lergonomie, the simplicity and robustness. The RP350 is also nice to hear that view. 70 presets + 70 users, has left a wide choice for crativit sound.


Who adj practical programming your own sounds on a multi-effects, which is my case (jai a Digitech RP1) cest simple, fast and intuitive trs. Dil a sudden the manual (in English) nest worth anyway. As ldition PC, jai Tlcharger v.2.1 X-edit the site Digitech but I havent installed from Adobes russi because, apparently, it is Windows XP and nen I am that Windows 2000 (?). To see the latest


I do possde since a fortnight. I made a few presets dj. sounded terrible! Even without amp. The richness and quality of the sound palette is incredibly professional for a price that sadresse more amateurs from the pros. Congratulations to the designers and programmers Digitech. All best pedals and amps of the earth are my feet in a single Casing (EST carry less weight than my Marshall). My Strato is transfigured and falls is hooked.
The modlisations dampli trs are convincing, even without active distortion can approach the grain and warmth of the lights MODELS. Find gniale: the possibility of transforming his simple microphone (which is the case with my Lace Sensors) in doubles. The Wha-Wha did not face his ancestors ashamed. I find it efficient trs. Although quil MAIT took some time to understand, lassign particulire the pedals of a function dexpression (outside the volume and Wha-Wha) can be very useful in some cases to avoid the switch.
A good place also for his electroacoustic. Cest stunning ism.
What about evil? Careers News laccordeur Intgr Bypass or by simultaneously pressing the two switches, Up and Down is not well-ais. If using scne on several types of sounds they must enchantment based on your music program so as not to become a player to tap. Set as your brain to your mmoriser presets. But hey, Do not operate it in gnral 140 DIFFERENT sounds live. Lexprience shows quon to hold fast on 3 or 4 presets and adapted his musical style is little or no sen card.


As the drum machine EST intgre and the possibility denregistrer 10 sdun musical passage to return to playback in slow motion. Jai test yet. But really more opportunities cest connection (XLR or jack) to the point that jenvisage in some cases (small rooms, rptitions or records) to zap Lampl. Live sound does not saffaisse. Switches are prvus for it. Exit also all my old pedals.
A pdalier a while, a guitar and 3 Cables, one branch in 30 s, 60 s to adjust volume and EQ on the console and it is ready to play.
It is not life grand? Long live the RP350.