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Korg PX4D
Korg PX4D
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legwenosor legwenosor

«  well ... for what I did! »

Published on 07/24/12 at 00:55
see on the net!


overall it will be going out but I've always had trouble with this type of product ... long live the manual!


I only use it with headphones and pandora with my MP3 player.
in this usage it's going well, in all the sounds go well .... I'm happy for the price .... although the first POD is not more dear and probably better!
the device is compact and travels very well.

it has a looper ... but hey .. I have trouble with!

the only time I used it with an amp .. I found the sounds not that great ...


I've had it 6 months, I use it on the move and I'm happy.

it is small in the suitcase and I play with headphones without bothering people ... there is impecc.
It "eats" the batteries therefore provide rechargeable batteries!!

if used on a multi-effects amp there are probably better and more convenient ..