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Zoom 3030
Zoom 3030

Multi-Effects for Electric Guitar from Zoom

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ffender1970 ffender1970
Published on 05/23/07 at 14:35
Here is a small multi-effect plastic made me turned my head at the time by its possibilities! It offers among other distos, reverb, delay ... everything doiot offer this kind of device ... plus the expression pedal that can be useful.


Upon connection, it has the advantage of being almost directly usable, lots of preset sounds are correct and also almost directly usable.
The connection is super simple and the whole is surprisingly solid.
Programming or modification of sounds is very simple and allowed me not too take my head that I was not at all a fan of certain gear in rack with dozens of settings, focusing .. .. advised me that my friends


At the time I was fascinated by this machine, and the opportunities it offered me
Then I came back to a type of boss pedals, I found that access to various settings was easier at least on stage, and finally I went to a big fat GT5 (which I broke out against him by the head as there are parameters but once set, is top ...)
So my good hanging out there in a 3030 barn, and in addition to playing in a rock band, it was launched with the singer in an "acoustic duo" two voices, two guitars (one each from each, of course), and right now I'm glad I kept my plastic multi-effects, as associated with my guitar Godin LR Baggs, I programmed a few sounds ale very soft drinks made with a little reverb, some delay even a few equalizer, not to mention the built-in tuner, it's right what I needed hair ...


If you do not, do not run behind, there are much better on the market .....
If you see a trainer "for sale", or if one of your friends offers you do not rush (unless that free or low priced undecided not stop you)
on the other hand, if you have one, do not throw, he can still make you proud of service, for small applications, for itches at night in the lounge without having to leave the big stuff, because the headphones will allow you to " bercy "in silence ... In addition, even if you want to separate, there will be hardly anyone to invest in it (unless that free or low priced undecided not prevents) ...