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Zoom GFX-707
Zoom GFX-707

Multi-Effects for Electric Guitar from Zoom belonging to the GFX series

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Shiloh Shiloh
Published on 06/27/05 at 10:06
Digital multi effect
4 modules:
- Compression distortion: acoustic guitar simulator, crunch, overdrive, distortion, fuzz, lead, metal, all with or without compression
-Zoom Noise Reduction / EQ: noise reduction, équlaisation (bass, mid, treble, presence)
- Modulation: chorus, flanger, phase, tremolo, pan, wah wah, step, pitch, ring modulator, filter, tremolo
- Reverb: reverb and delay varying according Jamer

+ Expression pedal assigned to one of the modules.

You can combine all 4 modules, but NEVER use a module in effect .... um, for example, it is impossible to have phaser and flanger at the same time.
There is also an amp simulator.

Connectors: Input, Output, 9V

In this section "features" I put 7 / 10, because the zoom offers many possibilities, the expression pedal is very handy.


The manual is comprehensive, step by step guide for use and editing of all aspects of the multi effects.
It easily grabs the ball to find its own presets. The bank of presets is divided into two, one part that can be erased as and when his own creations, another "indestructible."

I put 8 / 10 because everything is very well explained and easy access.


I am clear for this part, no effect of the zoom is good in the sense that it is not worth a tenth of a simple effect of quality.
This ranges from medium to very nil.
The worst in my opinion is the distortion module, the overdrive to the fuzz, it's really very bad.
ZNR is effective, the equalizer, if we are not looking too ... :-).
modulations are sometimes interesting, the wah is not waw, you can still have fun with some things like the pitch, ...
The delay and reverb is the least bad I say.

3 / 10 for sound, AC is worth.


I started guitar 5 years ago, and when I found the first group, I had to amuse myself a little. I was looking for something not too expensive, that allows to open my ears to a little more different sounds. From this side, I was served when we know not what a phaser is a fuzz or a filter, there were all on hand. I had an amp bofbof, I did not play, so not worth for me to invest in high-end hardware. If you are in this case, I can only recommend it (there may be too full of stuff and even cheaper, but I do not know).

Now, if you have a bit of money, if you already have a good or a good guitar amp, it would be a shame to spend money for that. Trying to save a little to nab something with sound quality more appropriate to your level. That's what I did, and I can tell you we feel the difference!

So for a beginner who wants to discover the sounds and play with his pals in his garage, I put 7 / 10.
But the sounds are really bad when we start to have the experience, zoom drunk quickly. More after 4 years of selection buttons have not aged well (though I'm not a bully), there is poor contact. For all this I put 4 / 10, non-negotiable.