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Harley Benton R7-450FR
lolomicro42 lolomicro42

«  very well! »

Published on 10/31/11 at 17:26
made in china
- A floyd, two double pickups, volume, tone (which is not very useful)


the handle fits comfortably in my hand, he slips normal but nothing more, it's a good 7 string so much wider than normal, although there are 24 frets deburred, microphones gives very well the only condition set out the , the studs are screwed to the microphones to be resolved, although the height to the microphones, but as on all guitars!, even for this model "entry level" sound? hey you play well in the big serious is top!


then the sound! okk so that the metal for the serious hard as I said above a few settings, but the sound comes first finger!, so it's silly to say but we must not too bad déjas play to draw profit, not need to change pickups! for crystal clear sound that's just ben there!, it is not made for that:) I play on an old JTM 30 with a small multi-effect korg AX3G is a RC3


I have a few days, that's like that, I wanted a skyscraper with a floyd, cheap! it was good, but the current is fine with, I saw immediately the small defects, it's china!, but we see the qualities I find that the microphones work very well, should be good to spend time to properly settle the screws microphones, it's 14 screws out rule is long, but after the happiness, the sound is!, before playing three hours I have put any rule, change (the strings) short, it is not operational right now, but for the price, with more experience I think I'd make the same choice, because even if you have to go well for you time the set is worth it!