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Fender Classic Player Jazzmaster Special
Fender Classic Player Jazzmaster Special
Billy Hill Billy Hill
Published on 06/06/09 at 15:05
Made in Mexico for the rest will see fender.com

Channel trs enjoyable and very easy to play.
CHAC in acute is perfect There's really no problem!. The rgonomie is really perfect, you can feel it when the door is really nickel.
Its easy for you and board industry.

It possde a good versatility trs (blues, jazz, rock and other noisy) than it is on the metal top is not good but everyone is free to do what he wants but it will not really my choice for the metal. I play a Fender Custom Vibrolux and it was the rgal
The pickups have a good record trs. I use the bridge for rhythm. The sound is really incisive as it was I want a ring. The position is interesting but intermdiaire plutt its clear. The neck pickup gives a lot of bass, which can dplaire some (my bass) but really adchire fuzz.
The Tone knob allows for a wide range of well that when I see zero-Tone is not too useful. The sound is REALLY dull and feeble. Finally everyone's tastes.

Clean sound level is not a telecaster or a Stratocaster is really a round and with lots of bass. This is not the best guitar for crystal clear sound is a bit on this point ngatif scratch, I think. For a I put "only" 9.

The postition of the small top button (not chai how the following is called: i) h bin is not easy to use. Really low (almost got me too) but as is said in another view, the game is interesting on this finger knob.

The vibrato (same as the AM) and really good and you keep a good tune even have APRS abuse in all directions. Precision is not a Floyd!

Trs is common on jazz, jump ropes of the bridges. But the no but then no problem. No need to change to an easel Mustang has not move a pet. Good even when I have a deep draft.

I've had six months. J'hsitait between J. Mascis and the classic. I test the J. Mascis Fender and I suppose to play on marketing by offering the scratches. The handle of the Mascis is incredible, I admit, but for the rest j'tait really.

There's just so the story's clear that m'embte a bit but for what it brings me in all other sounds, I agree.

Price level there's no picture quality, you're almost a Amricaine but seriousness, in my opinion, it's really to take a US chipoteurs.

One more thing, it is always better to test all in order to be a sr it suits you, do not rely on the opinion. to help you just a little bit.
And yes I remake that choice!