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Line 6 Variax 500
Line 6 Variax 500
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flibust flibust
Published on 03/02/06 at 03:16
See the posts and records from the manufacturer .... While the violin is not a super top, but the whole bill is honorable and is very solid ... great, gigbag and packaging delivery: the guitar came without even being out of tune .....

As for the handle, it is nice if not easier to play than my fender strato us, good access to acute, well-balanced guitar, reminiscent of a little Telecasters.
As for sound modeled, they arrive on their own virtual and the selector knob type of guitar (TModel, spank, etc ...) and the pickup selector can switch from one to the other models and / or micro configs (if you have a single type of scraper emulated on a given position) ... easy to cry!
tt tite a note of the same: the acoustic emulations, the treble control knob becomes a "positioner" (distance variable) external microphone: it's as if you engage in tests of an acoustic sound approaching or moving away from the body microphone ...
In summary, ergonomic top

For sounds, well, it really tears .... course to play on a jumbo or a hollowbody provides physical sensations that are not found here .... but the main thing is to say the sound is really ...
except for the banjo or resonator little suitable to the style of cal I play, I use almost all models (with a slight preference for the t-model-pêchus Telecasters well, the central position spank-plus crystalline my fender deluxe Us! -, the Lesters and two 3-oh gibson sound with sustain for the big mega rock! - but I also really enjoy with the jazzy, semi, the rockbilly-which can do much more than the 50s-60s rock because they are emulations of legendary Gretsch Brian Setzer-played by even the sound is interesting, although I prefer the variax700acoustic-and twelve-string sound pretty good if you take the time to settle a bit. ..)
brief is not much to throw about the presets ...
I even now the workbench (virtual instrument making workshop that integrates in any position presets invented hybrid models with alternate tunings) in short my Variax 500 has become a real laboratory instrument making shop guitar by itself .... is created, it loads and after we play .... if lack of space, can be stored on computer ... or buying other Variax to board his favorite configs anywhere! lol
I would add that, seduced by line6, I ended up acquiring the Variax Acoustic 700 and Vetta II combo amp legendary: modeling already on top is scratch, but I do not even explain the modeling of amps, speakers and effects ......!!!! a killing ...
one final note: these VETTAI the Variax and communicate digitally (which allows for specific presets: for example such as model scratched with amp and effect settings such ...); this is compounded by the sounds typed (or group of songs known) can be integrated via the Vetta .....
short, it's almost too ... but who loves and wants to hack easily find the big sound or personal, can not be happier ... except a big fat lottery and store gutar amp and effects of your own!! !!

1 year of using the Variax
3 months for the workbench
1 month for the Variax Acoustic and VETTAI

The +: ergonomics, ease and price
le: it is not the coffee! it does not turn into the original model ... well then line6! Efforts must be made here of the same tt !!!!! LOL

Start my, my mouth on ovation make their stands! but I do not forget ... even though the lab model called my attention ...
I resign without pb ... for all the products mentioned above (and yet I have no action at line6! damage for that matter!)

take about 670euros for variax600 (replacement for the 500), a larger budget for a 700 (1150euros about vibrato ... but apparently is not great!), the workbench can be found on the net within 90euros and finally the VETTAI is trading at less than 1900euros ...
short, it is far from a budget gibson, gretsch, fender, marshall martins .... .... vox ...
to years Lumie same: the big pro is the scope of an average grant!