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Published on 06/08/08 at 09:46
Installation is no problem it?
Yes, be it Linux, Windows or OS X.
Have you experienced any incompatibility?
Ever, it is a software trs well described.
There will always be a solution with pure data, it is sometimes complex trs.
Gnrale configuration is easy?
Let's say that we must understand how a function, APRS once you have the RFLEX to visit the tutorial is to read the help, it progresses quickly trs.
The manual is clear and sufficient?
The tutorials and using pure data are not "clear" or "sufficient", but necessary!
It is also necessary to understand English ...
What is the configuration of your computer? (Motherboard / CPU / Ram / Disk / sound card ..)
I use three machines: G4 Cube 450 mhz 1.5 GB RAM SDRAM 120 GB 7200 rpm and 610 quatafire Mac OS 10.4.11
IBook G3 SE 466 MHz SDRAM 576 MB RAM 60 GB 4200 rpm internal sound card and Mac OS 10.4.11
I also use an Arduino controller card that allows me to control it via buttons and potentiomtres.
Athlon XP 2500 + 1600 mhz 512 DDR ram 80 GB 7200 rpm and PCI sound card hercules xubuntu
What performance? (If quantifiable)
Pure data will limit the power of your machine, the iBook G3 dating a lot now, I m'clate really, when you push with a lot of filters on an oscillator for example, "crpite" . But a Manir gnrale, there is always something to make him do whatever the machine host.
This software + hardware configuration is stable?
On my three machines, it has never plant!
How long have you use it?
Over the past year especially, before that he silent install and I did not understand anything! And then one day I took a basic tutorial, and how jj'ai ComenC worked.
What is the particular feature you like best and least?
As ---> infinity of possibilities, routing of a signal, synthse, effects (everything imaginable), and the same edition but for a machine requires a relatively powerful.
The least ---> MaxMSP contrary can not edit all the objects, which made it a less colorful interface, but with those we do ditable patches friendly enough, plastically speaking.
Have you tried many other models before acqurir?
I test jmax is what allowed me to understand how this kind of soft. Jmax is much simpler than PD and MaxMSP, but more limited. MaxMSP is expensive, more than 450 euros Students being! PD is free and open. As against the version of MaxMSP 5 is really beautiful ...
How do you report qualitprix?
Pure Data is a free and opensource. The price, try to attend the adventure, gifts or dvellopement software. Or nothing at all.
Exprience with, you will do again this choice?
The exprience? She is just beginning ...
Yes, be it Linux, Windows or OS X.
Have you experienced any incompatibility?
Ever, it is a software trs well described.
There will always be a solution with pure data, it is sometimes complex trs.
Gnrale configuration is easy?
Let's say that we must understand how a function, APRS once you have the RFLEX to visit the tutorial is to read the help, it progresses quickly trs.
The manual is clear and sufficient?
The tutorials and using pure data are not "clear" or "sufficient", but necessary!
It is also necessary to understand English ...
What is the configuration of your computer? (Motherboard / CPU / Ram / Disk / sound card ..)
I use three machines: G4 Cube 450 mhz 1.5 GB RAM SDRAM 120 GB 7200 rpm and 610 quatafire Mac OS 10.4.11
IBook G3 SE 466 MHz SDRAM 576 MB RAM 60 GB 4200 rpm internal sound card and Mac OS 10.4.11
I also use an Arduino controller card that allows me to control it via buttons and potentiomtres.
Athlon XP 2500 + 1600 mhz 512 DDR ram 80 GB 7200 rpm and PCI sound card hercules xubuntu
What performance? (If quantifiable)
Pure data will limit the power of your machine, the iBook G3 dating a lot now, I m'clate really, when you push with a lot of filters on an oscillator for example, "crpite" . But a Manir gnrale, there is always something to make him do whatever the machine host.
This software + hardware configuration is stable?
On my three machines, it has never plant!
How long have you use it?
Over the past year especially, before that he silent install and I did not understand anything! And then one day I took a basic tutorial, and how jj'ai ComenC worked.
What is the particular feature you like best and least?
As ---> infinity of possibilities, routing of a signal, synthse, effects (everything imaginable), and the same edition but for a machine requires a relatively powerful.
The least ---> MaxMSP contrary can not edit all the objects, which made it a less colorful interface, but with those we do ditable patches friendly enough, plastically speaking.
Have you tried many other models before acqurir?
I test jmax is what allowed me to understand how this kind of soft. Jmax is much simpler than PD and MaxMSP, but more limited. MaxMSP is expensive, more than 450 euros Students being! PD is free and open. As against the version of MaxMSP 5 is really beautiful ...
How do you report qualitprix?
Pure Data is a free and opensource. The price, try to attend the adventure, gifts or dvellopement software. Or nothing at all.
Exprience with, you will do again this choice?
The exprience? She is just beginning ...