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M-Audio Firewire 410
M-Audio Firewire 410
chaos11 chaos11

«  Nothing to say! »

Published on 02/03/11 at 13:30
Compact - sturdy and easy to use
I use it as an external sound card for my iMac.

The sounds of my 11 synths (expanders and keyboards), my Z4 sampler pass through the 410 via a Soundcraft table which "feeds" two Tapco S5.

410 is plugged into the firewire on the Mac.


Very stable drivers that I update once a year but I honestly do not see the difference.
I use my songs Record and include an average of 12 audio tracks.

Zero latency.


I loaded the software, follow the directions clear and precise, the 410 put on and everything worked!

Originally used on Emac, I also used Dell laptop PC, and now on Imac.

Always the same result - it works!


Purchased in 2005 from memory, I've never used anything else.

It is compact, robust, attractive and reliable.
I have nothing to reproach him.

Difficult to talk about value for money. At the time I wanted to equip myself. I'm not looking to spend.

In hindsight, I would do this choice without hesitation, although I am not aware of the latest technologies in the field!