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M-Audio Firewire 410
M-Audio Firewire 410
Rock is dead Rock is dead
Published on 05/14/04 at 04:49
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(10 as perfect for my use!)


Installation in 5 minutes chrono butter I have a athlon xp msi and a Via chipset with the Firewire card I added is a Via chipset with no name.

Everything works perfectly even j'tais tonn


Drivers more stable than m-audio thank you

latency obtained is 7.5m with a 16-bit and 44machin buffer 256 so slightly down to 2ms
pc athlon 1600 + and 1GB of RAM

max I could record 30 tracks and 15 in recording and reading 15
c but the handjob for me as I track records only one time ...


was 1 month and c foot total for my use and for its price

C honestly the best card for that price
(The most important in choosing a card c to clearly identify their needs and stop buying cards more expensive to use half of the e / s)

The only thing annoying (even when there is a trick) c the buttons are too prs not very practical but good .... congratulations and thank you m-audio!