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PreSonus FireBox
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Popeye Popeye
Published on 01/27/07 at 03:08
Features: everything has been said I think if www.presonus.com
Usage: + VST sound pickup microphone omni (testing facilities)
Config: Dell XPS M1210 Intel intel graphics card, 2GB RAM, HDD 7200 tr / min
No other portable instruments + firebox
/////////!!!!!!!! IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM INSTALL READ THIS !!!!!!!!! \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \
I have a firewire port shared with the express bus (ie on the same PCI bus of the motherboard. Read on to solve your problems if you are crack in the same config as me.


Good big problems with the installation but not due to the card (I tested it on Mac starts on the first try). I put one to attract the attention of readers who want to know if the card is compatible with their config

Currently, the firewire ports of the PC are pretty bad, it is the gadget all brands. We note = mac firewire, USB2 = PC if you want no problem. But it was not good when the dosh to buy a motu 828mk2 usb2, well we try to démerder with the config of the computer.

So the first installation: cracking after 30sec when I listen to an mp3 in WMP. Even with a latency of 25ms.

Solution: DELL on the firewire port is shared with the express card. So there are tricks to "optimize" the firewire which are as follows and that worked for my configuration (8ms latency more crunches):
0 - (it&#39;s an addition so I put 0;)
in the taskbar right-click on the icon of the presonus (bottom right of the screen near the clock) and set CPU to Low. For laptops, the core duo has a clock speed ranging from 1 GHz to 1.6 GHz T5500 for example which is why despite the very performance of Bécanne honest, they should be considered as low-frequency processors. Maybe some will have no problem in High mode (LOW = 800-1000MHz, 1000-Medium = 2000Ghz, Hig = above).
1 - follow the recommendations of presonus ->
2 - install the patch windows next -> http://support.microsoft.com/kb/896256
3 - to Start-> Control Panel -> Performance and Maintenance -> System -> "tab" Hardware -> Device Manager
----> Disable the network card 1394 (personal for me it does not disable my firewire port is enabled as a bus controller IEEE 1394)
----> Disable controllers in IDE ATA / ATAPI everything Memory card, express card etc ... On my Dell there are 3: Ricoh Memory Stick Host Controller / MMC Host Controller Ricoh / Ricoh xD-Picture Card Host Conroler
!!!!!!!! Do not turn off most disks / controllers ATA / UDMA / IDE or SATA!! if not squeak.
----> Disable the 56k modem if you have one (that being said it should work without it anyway)

4 - unplug the wi-fi (I have a switch but otherwise it is also in the device manager (but it worked without me it was one of the recommendations of presonus)
5 - In Windows Explorer, right click on your hard drives, properties and uncheck the permission of the indexing disk for fast file search. This option Chow "power" and serves only to go faster during a file search. it does not play normally, but the latency as well as a trick to this is that it is well known and very useful.
6 - the Power of the bike for services background:
in Start-> Control Panel -> Performance and Maintenance -> System -> "tab" Advanced-> Performance / "Button Settings" -> "tab" Advanced -> adjust the performance for background services
7 - If your firewire port is shared with the express card like me, there is little chance that installing a firewire express card solves the problem
Even if you want your chance tener presonus recommends cards with a chip Texas Instruments (rare!) and especially not the kind combo cards FW800 + USB2 + FW400 or FW400. It FW400 point bar.

8 - if the problem persists:
presonus forums
Audiofanzine forums, many people have problems with DELL and firewire ... but not with Dell. Similarly, we can tell you my inspiron machine works with the presonus, bought it and .... it does not work parcqu&#39;un manufacturer does not warn the world when it changes the reference motherboard for its range of notebooks ..!
In short good luck.
Otherwise try this:


With all the shit pan I had time to use it ... but listening stand alone or VST my problems were solved.
The sound is good. I have an echo on my MIA fixed, however, has more silky treble for my taste. The presonus is however more dynamic.


Overall opinion: I open her anus, I repeat tomorrow and see if it turns nickel for three hours!

Otherwise from PreSonus technical support is seriously what is a priori not the case with other manufacturers, however, more "pro" as motu.