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PreSonus FireStation
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simeone.chris simeone.chris
Published on 03/03/03 at 02:02
Its superb quality of preamp, mLAN firewire ...


Installation on a PC takes a lot of patiente.notice ridicule.preampli down after two mois.sav nonexistent.
not so for PC
making sound when she walks.
Quick presonus has not finished his prodiuit and the card is not yet ready.
I lost a week of taking the sound of a singer, so a lot of money.


Often picks up the card only, no deferment.
latency is random even keeping the same config.
I decendu a 4 ms, it is now a 24ms.


I use it for over 2 months.
q / p unbeatable.
I strongly discourages the purchase until it is out of date.
presonus sell its product, but is not in a probleme.aucune answer to 11 e-mail.
Unlike its big compared to another card. the sound is truly exceptional.
but it is not yet ready; damage.
I end up with 1200 euros in nature and registration fees and loss of the label has 8 tracks which I promised for today without result.
'Jai singer pays for 1 week for nothing.
Help me to encourage short presonus to do an update and instructions for FIREstation.
thank you.