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SeriesFocusrite Clarett

Clarett 8preX to Windows 10

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Topic Clarett 8preX to Windows 10

Just bought a Clarett 8preX but still expecting it in the mail.

I have a Windows 10 PC.
Asus Prime Z270-A
Asus Thunderboltex 3
Apple Thunderbolt 3 to thunderbolt 2 adapter.
Apple Thuderbolt cable

Please note that it will be my Main interface to which I will slave a Lucid 88192 with all lightpipes connected for 8 extra in and out.

Also, please note that I am working at 24 bit 96khz.

Should I be expecting any issues with my current config ?

I was just reading different reviews and forums and thought I'd ask here as the experience seems to be splitted between ''Hell on earth'' and ''working flawlessly''.

Also, can someone please point me at the correct driver and /or firmware that need to be installed on my PC for it to work properly ?

That would be very much apprreciated.


[ Post last edited on 09/01/2020 at 10:05:49 ]

Im happy to report that the 8preX work with this config :

Windows 10 build 19041.508
Motherboard : Asus Prime Z270-A
Asus ThunderboltEx 3
Apple Thunderbolt 3 to Thunderbolt 2 adapter.
Apple Thunderbolt cable

It went like this :
Install Focusrite 8preX beta driver and Control
-Open Focusrite Control
- Update 8preX firmware in Focusrite Control.

Note that the 8preX was always turned ON