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Ardour v2.7

The public release of Ardour v2.7 is now available.

For the first time, this includes public versions for Mac OS X (Intel and PPC) as well as the usual source tarball. This release is dominated by dramatic improvements in Mac OS X GUI performance and startup time, but it also contains a lot of significant bug fixes. Ardour also accumulated quite a lot of nice new features since 2.6.1.


  • Overall dramatic improvements in OS X GUI performance.
  • New action to rotate editor/mixer window stacking.
  • New action to cycle through mouse modes.
  • Plugin windows can now have keyboard focus locked to them.
  • Add missing extensions to exported files based on selected file type.
  • Loop/Range ruler now visible by default.
  • Default crossfade is now –3dB cut.
  • Crossfade presets changed to include –6dB cut and two S-curves (icons sadly not changed yet).
  • New support for Wiimote control (experimental, disabled by default and not currently possible on OS X).
  • Selected tracks are always visible when scrolling through with select-next-track or select-previous-track.
  • Skip non-active and hidden tracks with select-previous-track and select-next-track.
  • Several new tooltips all over the place and better tooltip colors.
  • On OS X, Button2 can be emulated with Ctrl-Option-Button1.
  • Busses are never auto-connected to physical inputs.
  • Unmodified clicking in canvas rulers now sets playhead position, similar to existing behaviour in the “real” rulers. Use Ctrl- (Linux) or Command (OS X)-click/drag for new markers/ranges.
  • Crossfade-editor specific keybindings: space => play xfade, left-arrow => play fade out, ctrl-left-arrow => dry fade out, right-arrow => play fade in, ctrl-right-arrow => dry fade in.
  • Drag-n-Drop from OS X Finder now more reliable but no longer supports MP3 or AAC (will be reverted in the future).
  • Start position and Sync position clocks added popup region editor.
  • Better stay-on-top behaviour for certain windows.
  • LV2 port notification fix for GUI updating.
  • New German translation.
  • New post-export nag screen.
  • Per-track OSC control of solo/mute/rec-enable and gain.


  • Removed suggestion that users can save while disconnected from JACK.
  • Corrected reversed handling of “show-editor-mixer” state on startup.
  • Fixed crasher caused by changing gain with transport stopped & panner bypassed.
  • Correct reverse logic for making h/w monitoring available given h/w capabilities.
  • Fix confusing relabelling of plugin bypass button.
  • Prevent double registration of ALSA sequencer ports.
  • Correctly initialize JACK timeout parameter when starting JACK.
  • Ignore triple-clicks on mute/solo/rec-enable button.
  • Momentary solo/mute now works.
  • Fix serious error when calculating interpolated Curve values (will cause tiny, almost certainly undetectable changes in automation and fade curves, but may also remove clicks).
  • Fix quoting in TOC files wrap PBD::Thread… signals in a mutex to avoid crashing during startup as multiple threads “emit” the signal.
  • Make comboboxes a little bigger on X11.
  • B|B|T clocks measuring duration now use zero-based values.
  • New regions created by AudioFilters (Reverse/TimeFX/Transpose) inherit all relevant settings of their ancestor.
  • Fix for incorrect reading of fade out curve under a few circumstances.
  • Catch exceptions while loading AudioUnits.
  • Correct some glitches with playhead motion when looping/reversing.
  • Fix failure when opening a session by double-clicking the session file icon (OS X).
  • Fix loss of “current dialog” tracking when exiting a dialog via a button (could cause crash on next Ctrl-w).
  • Detect no-installed-JACK on OS X to avoid silent crashes for new users.


  • GTK/OSX patch now in SVN.
  • Check build host for broken mutex-based glib atomic ops.
  • Two versions of clearlooks now in SVN – older, for X11 (crisp!), and newer for OS X (faster!).
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