TopicPosted on 05/02/2009 at 07:09:07A little prob Nuendo
I use nuendo with some plugins and Reason 4 in ReWire and everythings works fine until this morning. When I start the song from the START (measure 1-at the far left)when the first note play in mesure 2, I loose a note (like if the cpu was full working) its kind of "lagging". Its always on the same midi note and all its fine in the midi track. What is weird its when I start the song just a little bit after the measure 1 (like 1.1), everythings ok when the fisrt notes are playing Its just when I start the song from the top... if I start it directly on the 2nd measure all works fine...
Thanks for helping me!
AFfectionate Poster
Member 18 years ago
2Posted on 05/03/2009 at 03:45:02
Did you check to see if there is any (conflicting) midi information in that first bar, either in nuendo or in reason?