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Can anyone reccomend any literature for a total begginer?

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Topic Can anyone reccomend any literature for a total begginer?
hi, I'm interested in making music, and to be honest I havent got a clue where to start, I couldnt even tell you how a track is made up so im a total begginer basically.

I'm hoping to use reason 3 which I have got, but i dunno how to use.

can anyone reccomend any reading for a total begginer?

dunno if it makes any difference but i'd like to make 'garage' music?

Dude, How are ya?


Read it - start to finish otherwise buy a book.

Just joking. Get a usb/fire mixing desk, hook up your mics and instruments to it, connect it to the pc and open your software. Away you go. Audacity is free. Or, if your going to buy say a keyboard etc wait to see what software comes with it. Sometimes cubase is included.

The best software to create music in what you would say 'put notes into and assign them to different instruments' would probably be FlexiMusic Composer for beginners, make a try.