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Thread audiophile 192 recording issue

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Topic audiophile 192 recording issue

i know it's a simple problem, but i've been trying to fix it for hours and nothing happens.

since i don't have a pre-amp, i improvised one with an amplifier. i don't care too much, for now, about the quality of the sound of the recording, as long as i get the freaking sound. but here's the deal: i plug my guitar to the amplifier, and the amplifier to the sound card, but there's no sound coming out of it. could i actually improvise a pre-amp with an amplifier? if so, what could be the problem?

my system: audiophile 192 in a pentium 4, 1.60GHz, 512mb of RAM, very little space left (8GB) on the HD.

that's it for now.
What kind of amplifier and how do you have it hooked up?

If you hooked a speaker output of a guitar amp to your 192, the 192 will probably never record anything again! If you are using a line out or effects send on a guitar amp, that should work. If you are using a headphone output from an amp, that should probably "work" to a point, but it'll probably sound like crap.

My suggestion is to get an inexpensive Behringer mixer like this:

$39.95 US at Musicians Friend. It'll act as the front end for whaterver you want to record.
The Axeman (##(===> Cuts From My New Blues CD
well, every guitar amplifier is made of a pre-amp and a power-amp;
so yes, you can improvise a pre-amp with a guitar amplifier, just take the signal from the SEND jack (if the amp has one).

since you have an audiophile192 and poor HD space, i suggest you record at 44.1khz sample rate.
first of all, thanks for answering.

i'm using a simple, domestic guitar amp. and i connected the headphone output to the soundboard, and no sound came out (not even a crappy one). but you scared me a bit when you said that my audiophile may never record again if i do stupid things to it.

how can i know that its recording is "healthy"? is there any tests i could do to verify that?