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Danelectro DJ-14 Fish & Chips 7-Band EQ
Danelectro DJ-14 Fish & Chips 7-Band EQ

Graphic equalizer pedal from Danelectro belonging to the DJ series

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«  The 7-band beat »

Published on 06/21/11 at 04:35
Well, we know, equation 7-band format pedal jack on 6.35 in / out and barrel type power supply boss, 9v negative center. I do not know the ranges covered by each band exactly, but hey, it's not gear stage and studio.

Danelectro classic case is plastic, it looks like nothing, the name is great, the switch is scary, but usage has never been a problem. Eight faders rather stiff to hold in place on a pedalboard, with a small notch at 0. Yes, yes, eight! The last rege volume and can therefore serve as a clean boost. We will return.

I have two! One in front and one in the loop.


The general configuration is obviously basic. The manual, I can not remember more than that. I think it was a piece of useless paper.

The small size of the pedal and the rear positioning of the connector is a considerable asset for the owners of pedalboard. Side of the coin, the switch must be aimed for large feet.


The equation is quite efficient, silent upstream or in the loop. With the same guitar, and without turning the knobs, you get under the foot can change his. This pedal seems very useful in groups, so that the guitar less pump frequencies of the bass or vocals while leaving most of the mix. It is essential for me when I use a looper, as overdubs does not work on it. It's really more than a gadget.

With a keyboard that's great also to counteract the coldness of certain sounds without resorting to distortion.

For the price it is excellent. Some find their happiness with parametric equations, more suitable in some situations, but personally I am very pleased that one.

In fact, since I had to come back and clean boost, I tend not to use it and stay up to 0. Signal degradation is not frightening (to some extent), but I have enough headroom also not to use it here.


I use two Fish & Chips in three years. Following a story I will not tell here, I got two for the price of one (well, I have said anything wrong ...), is 17.50 euros each. At this price, it is the dream!

Since I am very happy and I do not need equalization even more precise, I keep both for a while yet.