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Feeltune Rhizome LE
Feeltune Rhizome LE

Groove Machine from Feeltune belonging to the Rhizome series

Thread Hi, Looking for feeltune Rhyzome LE software/updates.

  • 2 replies
  • 2 participants
Topic Hi, Looking for feeltune Rhyzome LE software/updates.
Hi everyone,

i have just joined this forum hoping to find out if anyone has a Feeltune Rhyzome LE, i have just bought one new and from what ive read will probably need a few updates for it, as the company has now disapeared im hoping somebody may know where i can find the last updates the company released, any help would be great.

Thanks. Steve.

[ Post last edited on 03/15/2016 at 08:53:08 ]

Hey Steve,

I'm not sure how you were able to get it new as it's my understanding that product has been discontinued for a while...

Having said that, maybe dealers that previously carried it, like Sweetwater, might be able to help via their sales associates.

Otherwise, there is someone on Audiofanzine's french site who is currently selling one, and might therefore have an idea as to where you can find any relevant updates. If you send the seller a PM in basic, concise English, they might be able to help.

Good luck!

Hi Armon,
i found it on ebay in Germany, i have just sent a message to the guy in France so fingers crossed, thanks for your reply and pointing it out.
I Have sent a message to Thomenn but as yet not heard anything, ill give Sweetwater a go too.

Cheers teve.