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Peavey Classic 30 Head

All user reviews for the Peavey Classic 30 Head

Tube Guitar Amp Head from Peavey belonging to the Classic series

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  • Fireguy8402Fireguy8402

    Reliable Head for Various Applications.

    Peavey Classic 30 HeadPublished on 11/19/11 at 13:46
    The Peavey Classic 30 head is a two channel, small footprint amp. It puts out 30 watts of tube power out to whatever 16 ohm cab you desire. The cab only has one 16 ohm output with no other ohm settings available. It has a drive channel and a clean channel, along with a boost switch and built in reverb. The head has a three band passive EQ section (bass, mid, treb) and pre and post gain controls on the lead channel allow the user to hone in the distorted tones. Four EL84s and three 12AX7 tubes are used in the tube section. The two channels are footswitchable and there is an effects loop included.


    This amp is robustly built. The material used to cover the head is not p…
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    The Peavey Classic 30 head is a two channel, small footprint amp. It puts out 30 watts of tube power out to whatever 16 ohm cab you desire. The cab only has one 16 ohm output with no other ohm settings available. It has a drive channel and a clean channel, along with a boost switch and built in reverb. The head has a three band passive EQ section (bass, mid, treb) and pre and post gain controls on the lead channel allow the user to hone in the distorted tones. Four EL84s and three 12AX7 tubes are used in the tube section. The two channels are footswitchable and there is an effects loop included.


    This amp is robustly built. The material used to cover the head is not prone to ripping and after a few years of gigging still looks new. I’ve used it time after time for shows with no issues at all. This amp is fixed bias, so no adjustments are needed when swapping tubes. The footswitch will let you seamlessly change between clean and dirty sounds and the added effects loop lets you put your time based effects after the preamp. The head chassis is built strong and the knobs, jacks, and controls all seem very sturdy. The Boost feature is a waste of space really, it is not footswitchable and the boost in the mid frequency is just unbearable. Instead of just a regular volume boost, Peavey tried to make this so the lead tones would cut through the mix. A basic volume boost that was accessed through the footswitch would be more useful.


    It’s hard to find an amp that has a good clean sound and dirty sound, but this amp does. While a Marshall does a great dirty sound it lacks in the clean channel. Fenders are the other way around. I wouldn’t say this amp does either channel exceptionally well, but it manages to do a good job at both sounds in one amp. The clean sounds are a little fatter with less sparkle and clarity than a Fender clean, but it’s a good clean tone. The clean channel is very accepting of pedals both in the loop and up front. The dirty channel is more British voiced than American. It doesn’t nail the tones from my Marshall JCM but it comes fairly close. This is your middle of the road amp, country through rock tones. Metal and hard rock can be had by using a boost up front. Pair this head up with a 212 with Greenback and you have a pretty versatile rig.


    This is your basic Peavey Classic 30 inside of a headshell instead of a combo amp. It’s a widely used budget amp that sounds great at a decent price. If you can pick one up used they are an extreme bargain and are real workhorses. The features are enough to get you by without needing outboard gear, though pedals work great with this amp out in front or through the loop. I would and have gigged it for several years and haven’t had any problems with the head. Load the tube section up with JJ’s or Ruby’s, put a TungSol 12AX7 in V1 of the preamp section and pair it up with a cab with Greenback style speakers and you have a great sounding two channel rig with reverb that will cop a lot of classic rock style tones at any volume (just remember to leave that boost switch off).
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  • frankypfrankyp

    great value for its price-weight

    Peavey Classic 30 HeadPublished on 09/27/08 at 06:20
    1 photo
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    First opinion in April 2008 and September 08 in addition:
    Peavy Classic 30 head of all lamps is made in the United States: four EL84 power tubes and 3 12AX7.
    it is given to 30 W, while with this config there are 50 or 60 W: So 30 watts BIG! reverb (good) and an effects loop. 2 switchable channels and a boost at the foot general one EQ for both channels.
    simple connection, but too simple, in fact: it lacks a standby switch and especially impedance: That's the big problem: all the pubs, there is writing 8 or 16 ohms. However, it is only 16 ohms, and point bar! I don 't have to keep that head to buy another cabinet (Marshall TSLC212)
    So: power: great, super ... (100W all-tube, with sou…
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    First opinion in April 2008 and September 08 in addition:
    Peavy Classic 30 head of all lamps is made in the United States: four EL84 power tubes and 3 12AX7.
    it is given to 30 W, while with this config there are 50 or 60 W: So 30 watts BIG! reverb (good) and an effects loop. 2 switchable channels and a boost at the foot general one EQ for both channels.
    simple connection, but too simple, in fact: it lacks a standby switch and especially impedance: That's the big problem: all the pubs, there is writing 8 or 16 ohms. However, it is only 16 ohms, and point bar! I don 't have to keep that head to buy another cabinet (Marshall TSLC212)
    So: power: great, super ... (100W all-tube, with sound systems, it is "wrong")
    connection: problem! ... that said, it provides a powerful all-tube head but not too much and lightweight: 13 kg .... 7 / 10 for the beauty of the head and its own power despite bp ohms, stand by .....


    Config very simple, the clean channel has only volume, channel and drive, the meadow is the gain, and the post is the volume.
    SOUND: beautiful, beautiful!! and heat lamps, the more ecstatic ...
    the manual, I have but I especially looked for the impedance: it was no help as it confuses the combo and head!
    September 08: I maintain that it's still serious than say 8 or 16 ohms, whereas it is 16 ohms or more!
    against by the stand-by, I learned to do without it: you finished playing? you put your knobs to 0, you wait 4-5 minutes, and you can mute the sound without the "plop" that's a bit scary ...


    Hardcore metalheads, it's not for you (unless adequate pedal) ballochards or variety (I was too), either: it is a head ROCK! Who does not like to be transported too! from blues to classic rock or hard: ideal.
    the crystal clear sound is less warm but more than fender.
    the sounds are very saturated and sharp, hot (as long to go through the appropriate HP: Cel eg V30).
    I use the clean channel especially with my effects, and channel II is mainly used to boost me the solo with 3 or 4 pre and post gain on 6, 7 or 8.
    You can imagine the disappointment with config, I would have made! but I fell in love with the sound, better than the combo (which, however, has 8 or 16 ohms), through my marshall with her big TLSC212 Celestion (V30 Vintage 30 and Heritage)


    LATEST NEWS: NO LONGER MADE! And yes the manufacturing States is expensive, and the new heads are made elsewhere affordable .... COTE will rise up ....
    Cons: impedance 16 ohms + not stand by.
    the most: the sounds, the look, weight, size, power (it has no pb to move a 4 * 12 400W)
    reasonable price in stock Euroguitar up to € 639 qand?
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  • Cdt. MarcosCdt. Marcos

    Peavey Classic 30 HeadPublished on 05/28/09 at 03:02
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    This is an all-tube amp, 4 EL84 power and two 12AX7 preamp in. A 12AX7 drives the power tubes. With such a config, we can expect a smooth and warm if necessary.

    The power is 30 watts, which is more than enough if you play in rooms not too large, repeat, and incidentally home without annoying the neighbors.

    Connections: input, an output speaker, switch, EFX IN and OUT. This is the bare minimum, without artifice.


    Settings: Volume, a switch to switch on the Crunch channel, Pre and Post gain for the channel gain Crunch, Bass, Mid, Treble, Reverb and a boost at the equalizer, acting on the mediums.

    I put 8 because it's annoying not to have switchable …
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    This is an all-tube amp, 4 EL84 power and two 12AX7 preamp in. A 12AX7 drives the power tubes. With such a config, we can expect a smooth and warm if necessary.

    The power is 30 watts, which is more than enough if you play in rooms not too large, repeat, and incidentally home without annoying the neighbors.

    Connections: input, an output speaker, switch, EFX IN and OUT. This is the bare minimum, without artifice.


    Settings: Volume, a switch to switch on the Crunch channel, Pre and Post gain for the channel gain Crunch, Bass, Mid, Treble, Reverb and a boost at the equalizer, acting on the mediums.

    I put 8 because it's annoying not to have switchable loop or stand by and again, we put everything to 0 and it does the same, and a headphone jack would have been refused, see a switch to decrease the power of the amp if necessary.


    The configuration is very simple you'll understand. No frills on this amp, you plug and you play. The right sound is achieved easily, but what good sound exactly?

    The manual?? Not even read "/>

    EDIT: with my cabinet Harley Benton 2x12 "Vintage 30, the sound is shielded bass. Soon I try it with 4x10" to compare!


    It's a versatile amp, because I'm versatile sounds of the attack were clean enough to reggae and funk. By pushing, we get a nice heat as appropriate to the blues. If you like your pedals, this amp does not fade much sound (not like Fender, for example) which allows, ultimately, to be very versatile: it will adapt to you more than you will adapt to him.

    For my part I like that are clean, clean, precisely, and it remains clean even with my big pickups, that drool from time to time, but nothing ignoble, a slight crunch that has charm tell us. By increasing the level, the sound becomes a bit more crunchy, but a clever use of the volume knob on the guitar will help you avoid that. And your pedal will sound warmer saturation is absurd: I use a Boss DS1 and a Sansamp gt2, they sound better than ever ...

    Passing the lead channel, this deposit is not the Mesa Triple Rectifier, but the grain is still fat and excellent support capabilities of the guitar, the sound is rich in harmonic circle.

    EDIT: If you push the gain too strong against, it gets a little too vague. It is very runny and lack of "edge". However, my guitars are equipped with passive pickups from the old school, no EMG active.

    The equalizer is very dynamic in the bass that are generous (sometimes too!), The mid are especially rich and is difficult to dig them (the head is not really made for metal). The treble knob for my part is often 8 or 9 (of 12). But I remember that I played on a speaker Harley Benton 2x12 "V30, this must inevitably affect the sound! Soon 10" Celestion for a point of comparison ...


    I for a month and a half is an amp that is what I love: everything but the modern metal. NO SOUND SHARP! You will get the sound you want if you want to use your pedals like me as much as your amp. It should be noted again that the sound is not very distinctive, with a good attack and a good seed, leaving the heat lamps.

    It is also an argument: its price, it is terribly cheap! So quality / price ratio, great!

    EDIT: After further use in a group that sends, I have never gone beyond the screen "3" size. In other words, the power ensures the steak! The reverb is not unique ... but what I did was no big deal: p

    RECTIF OF EDIT: reverb 'was loose, Peavey saves money as it can ... Once this is settled, it is curious, but the reverb is really better! This is an Accutronics. The two lamps are Sovtek preamp LPS. on the other hand in power, EL84, I do not know, there is written JJ.
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  • iamqmaniamqman

    Nice little head

    Peavey Classic 30 HeadPublished on 07/14/11 at 21:04
    This is a 30 watt two channel amp that is geared towards the old school rock and country tones. This is generally a clean amp with a mild overdrive for channel one. For channel two you get a little bit more gain on tap but the voicing has is limited to the sweat classic rock tones. Not really a high gain amp even though it does have some good distortion on channel two. This is going to be an amp that you couple with pedals and effects to compliment your playing style.

    This is the same exact specked amp as the combo version but just in a head form version. You get the same great tone and features but something that wil hook up to any speaker cabinet you have. It is a great little blues he…
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    This is a 30 watt two channel amp that is geared towards the old school rock and country tones. This is generally a clean amp with a mild overdrive for channel one. For channel two you get a little bit more gain on tap but the voicing has is limited to the sweat classic rock tones. Not really a high gain amp even though it does have some good distortion on channel two. This is going to be an amp that you couple with pedals and effects to compliment your playing style.

    This is the same exact specked amp as the combo version but just in a head form version. You get the same great tone and features but something that wil hook up to any speaker cabinet you have. It is a great little blues head if that it your thing with some modern twists.


    30 watts (rms) into 16 ohms

    Four EL84s and three 12AX7s

    2-channel preamp

    Pre- and post-gain controls on lead channel

    Normal volume control on clean channel

    3-band passive EQ (bass, middle, treble)

    Boost switch


    Speaker output jack

    Chrome-plated chassis

    Classic tweed covering

    Dimensions: 19.625 in. W x 10.375 in. H x 10.625 in. D (Unpacked); 23.25 in. W x 14.625 in. H x 15.25 in. D (Packed)

    Weight: 34 lbs. (Packed); 27 lbs. (Unpacked)


    Same tone as the combo but you will have a slight different feel depending on whta speakers you use and what cab you use. The tone from this amp is not really my cup of tea. The is geared toward the classic rock player who needs a good Fender tweed style amp, but wants more versatility. The amp is versatile for that kid of player. Having the boost switch is stretching in terms of classic Fender style EQing. Also having another channel is going to be a bit much for some old guys who this amp is marketed towards. However, if you need that versatility and the price is an issue then this would be a good amp.

    The clean tone is a pretty decent clean tone. You can crank the volume up more and it will get a mild overdrive tone. When you engage channel two there you will get some good distortion much like a tubescreamer would get in front of an already overdriven Fender classic amp.


    This is no longer available new so the used market is the only way to go. But they can be had pretty cheaply. You will get a very usable clean tone and a solid distortion tone fit for classic rock, country, and pop music.

    I would recommend this amp to anyone who needs a good two channel tweed amp and doesn't want to spend too much to get it. This is a good amp that will give you solid creamy rich classic rock tones all day long.
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  • KokitoKokito

    Peavey Classic 30 HeadPublished on 06/02/09 at 03:22
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    Everything has already been said tube amp, 30W, series effects loop, reverb and footswitchable adjustable, non-switchable boost etc ...

    I put 6 / 10 because it lacks a stand-by ... it's quite painful, as I said it's impossible to put the knobs to zero to turn it off when the balance is made ... to repeat, it's no big deal but on stage ... !

    6 / 10 also foot switchable reverb ... forced to lug around a foot switch to 2 even for those who do not use the reverb ... like me: o)
    If you connect a footswitch to switch only 1, it toggles the reverb ... you can not change channels ... (I am taking lessons if I'm wrong: o)).
    So, I does not include the footswitch to my pedalboard, I posed ne…
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    Everything has already been said tube amp, 30W, series effects loop, reverb and footswitchable adjustable, non-switchable boost etc ...

    I put 6 / 10 because it lacks a stand-by ... it's quite painful, as I said it's impossible to put the knobs to zero to turn it off when the balance is made ... to repeat, it's no big deal but on stage ... !

    6 / 10 also foot switchable reverb ... forced to lug around a foot switch to 2 even for those who do not use the reverb ... like me: o)
    If you connect a footswitch to switch only 1, it toggles the reverb ... you can not change channels ... (I am taking lessons if I'm wrong: o)).
    So, I does not include the footswitch to my pedalboard, I posed next to when I played with this amp: o)

    6 / 10 also to the power supply cord ... can not disconnect, but it's not the death is painful ... : O)

    A switch of ohms would have been nice ... although that side, I only have 16 ohm speakers.


    The setup is very simple, nothing complicated.

    You plug, you let warm, gently attack you, you play and it sounds right now ... Rock and medium!

    The manual? I remember reading in 2 minutes when I got head but I have no memory!


    It's quite an amp rock n 'roll and medium and I have not yet mastered but it sounds really good!

    I use this amp to the Baloch. I sought a second head amp which is not too expensive and that sounds right away because I was tired of lugging my Soldano head between the 2 groups ... So contract filled!

    The sound is warm enough, but perhaps too much midrange for me ... (My AV cabinet in 1960 is perhaps something too, I would have his head on my baffle V30).
    She welcomes the pedals really well, I was quite surprised at the result!

    The clean is clean with my Telecaster and crunch really light with my Les Paul, as Marcos says, it has its charm: o)

    The distortion channel is nice vraiemnt is bold, it drools a little P'ti (it depends on the guitar that I use too), it's hot and whistling harmonics easily.

    One thing that surprised me over my head Soldano HR 50XL + is no compression ... I never had the opportunity to play on an amp without any compression ... pick of the attack is really good broadcast ... : O)


    - I use it for 2 months, I did a concert with for now.
    - I like the fact that the amp is plug n play, it sounds right now and what I like not to be seen above.
    - The price / quality ratio is really good!
    - With experience, I would surely something less than medium and ESPECIALLY with a stand-by. Anyway, as I said, a second amp, I prefer much less the sound with my group baloche so it suits me very well this amp.
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