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Vox Tonelab SE
Vox Tonelab SE
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Published on 02/23/09 at 04:59
Many opinions have been posted on this pedal. I will not repeat what was said, but only a few remarks and additions that I think are important.

Side characteristics, this pedal is actually quite comprehensive. Although less than a Line 6 POD X3, but the bulk is the same.
Please note, the pedal is large, heavy and solid. Scheduled to be strolled around. It's tough! The display is clear even if the presentation starts from the date: that it is not that young pedals!

I especially want to draw your attention to the two expression pedals, because that's where it has its strong point.

The 12AX7 or ECC83 in English instead of Vox, double triode preamp classic is there to "warm" sound. Argument marketing or real plus for my part I am not totally convinced.
Another black spot: Can not use a wah and distortion simultaneously. Ditto for distortion and compressor. Some interesting effects are strong and together in the same group "Pedal". Unable to take to Hendrix Fuzz with a wah, a Univibe and octaves. It's a pity!


Operation is simple. Each parameter can be edited easily without menus, submenus, sub-submenus and more ... The effects and amps are clearly identified and easily accessible on the pedals. The storage is also very simple, and the assignment of the pedals.

One detail is slightly annoying: the volume knob out of the pedal is located on the rear edge of the pedals, a remote and mostly impractical. It must be set when it connects to an amplifier, at risk to over-charge the input of the amp, or otherwise reduce the volume too much input. He will also manage the volume of output to the headphones. In short, a bit of a chore to pay!

Apart from this detail, RAS


Well, aside from modeling amps, with the chance to have copied some of the models, I must admit that it is more models "inspired" than real emulations. Amps rather "clear" as the Fender or Vox honored with sounds rather nice, but still quite steep: it's digital!
To gain amps like Mesa or Marshall, say to be nice that this is not the strength of this pedal.
More generally it is a pedal driven sound "vintage", not modern. For large saturation, go your way.

Now for what makes the whole point of this pedal: the effects and two expression pedals. While the effects are not of exceptional quality, but there are many, varied and well made. Some are worse than others or seem redundant. But no matter.
Note: Both pedals are assignable to the vast majority of effects settings available! That is, one can, for example for the pitch shifter, change the pitch via a pedal, you then have a Digitech Whammy! Best of all, the pitch of the beginning and end of the pedal is changed from -2 to +2 octaves! Another example of the dual-phase: each pedal can be assigned to a speed of 2 phasers: dramatic effect guaranteed! For delays, I use the tap tempo pedal assigned to the delay time and assigned to a pedal feedback!
I am able to put together a machine foot and effects configurable with associations to the wildest possible results, modular live!


So here, this pedal is more oriented to sound vintage, it is expensive but seriously built. Amps and effects available are varied and complete. Faced with numerous competitors, he defends himself well. For against, facing the last Line 6 POD X3 Live, it does not take long to compare!

Now forget the part amplifiers, and add two assignable expression pedals for most of the parameters of each effect and you get a multi-effects EXTRA ORDINARY. A special adviser to the researchers of strange sounds and original. We are almost at Zvex! Unable to get results equivalent to the pedals sound normal: they have no expression pedals! In addition, each pedal itself is fully customizable, which allows you to control very precisely each effect.

Behind the classic pedal is hiding a real machine to test the effects of new and surprising results.