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Vox Tonelab SE
Vox Tonelab SE
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Grebz Grebz
Published on 01/08/07 at 03:11
Amp simulator, blah blah blah ...


Using ToneLab SE is simple, which takes time is finding the sound you have in mind. There are many functions and so the possibilities are numerous.

Editing sounds is easy but again, we will have to spend time to tune the sound with onions. The factory presets are nice, but they are mostly there to give examples of what can be achieved. The use of impact is often exaggerated, it hits you right away to the ears and you say "Oh yeah, we can do that!"

The manual is well fucked, entirely in French, but it does not replace testing / personal errors. It is used to find out what are the knobs, but obviously it is difficult to describe his writing, much less to give all possible combinations. Read this before you try for yourself ...


The effects are realistic? I do not know, I&#39;ve never played any of the amps in the Tonelab SE, so ...
The effects are effective, numerous combinations multiply the possibilities. For rock and pop / rock, it&#39;s perfect. For other styles, see other opinions, I do not know (heavy, thrash, jazz, bossa nova ...), I do not practice.

I tested the Tonelab SE with the following gear:
- Electro-acoustic Seagull
- Ibanez electric guitar, telecaster type

Connected to:
- Amp electro-acoustic Peavey EFX-110 (position on Tonelab SE Amp)
- Marshall Amp 100W studio again (on position Tonelab SE Amp)
- Hifi amplifier Cambridge Audio + JBL (Tonelab SE Line of position)
- Monitoring speakers Event Electronics TR8 (Tonelab SE Line of position)
- The headphone, Beyer Dynamic DT990 Pro

Regardless of the setting (setting personal or factory preset), the sound with the electro is clearer than the power, which seems quite logical. Distortion-free sound is distorted when I use it with the electric guitar. Therefore fine tuning to get a sound similar (but will of course not identical) when changing guitar but we want to keep roughly the same sound.

I found the sound very loud and rough by plugging the Tonelab SE amp Peavey for the electro-acoustic and playing with my electro-acoustic. Of all the combinations I tried, it was the least pleasing to the ear. Disappointing. Is it due to the amp (which has a beautiful sound when I plug my guitar just above, without added effect) that is not provided for this? Is that the result would be the same on another electro-acoustic amp? I do not know, but in my case, the result is not very pleasant.

On Marshall amp, with my electro-acoustic, the result is a little garish, and be careful to adjust the gain on a low level to avoid feedback. But by playing with the settings (including lowering the treble and the bass a little amount), I scored very correct, though a bit tiring after a while. I have not tried to play the electric guitar in this configuration. I will post my opinion once it&#39;s done.

On stereo amp, the result is very good, either with electro-acoustic or electric. My pregnant aging unfortunately tend to get a little to the serious, but due to my speakers. Knowing this, I would like included in the result. By plugging headphones into the amp, the result is much better because my headphone is better than just my speakers, so the amp is not at issue.

With a headset connected directly to the headphone output of the Tonelab SE, the sound is also very good. Again, it depends on the headphones used. I tried the walkman with headphones is not great :-), closed with headphones Sony, average quality (purchased within 60 euros) is ... medium, but with my DT990 Pro is excellent!
And this, both with an electro-acoustic with an electric.

Finally, I got the best result on my monitor speakers (well, on one, I plugged directly puique Tonelab SE on one of my pregnant TR8). While there, the sound is excellent, accurate. However, the result with good headphones or plugged into the Tonelab SE directly or connected to the stereo amp, gives a result almost as good. But still, it&#39;s more fun to play openly agree, rather than just the headphone!
And again, both with an electro-acoustic with an electric.

Well, so it&#39;s great, but it has the quality of the items you plug the Tonelab SE is good, otherwise the sound quality may become poor. Finally I say that because I took the time to experiment and I could compare, but no point of comparison in any case, the Tonelab SE provides the tones varied and of excellent quality .


I use the Tonelab SE for only a few days (great Christmas :-)!).

What I like most: the sound, with some excellent work. The possibilities for extremely large configurations. A priori, its strength, even if it is too early to judge.
What I like least: it&#39;s big anyway for the home studio. My girlfriend is beginning to accumulate crisis to see the stuff in the room, not to mention the son who piled under the desk ... Anyway, on stage or in repeats is not a problem.

Regarding the price, I paid exactly 404 euros (four hundred) in Bonneuil Milonga (Paris region). After thinking a mistake, another reader of the site told me it had paid the same price in another Milonga (Grenoble). So far as I know the lowest price we could find in France or elsewhere in Europe. Until the other line up :-)