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Vox Tonelab SE
Vox Tonelab SE
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gegeguit gegeguit
Published on 08/05/06 at 18:04
First, it really changes a digital multi-effects!
Of course, we are used to press the button "Clapton," on the "Satriani", & Co. .. there, not that! It is true, as the other guys here say, it depends on what you plug into it. Here, no cheating, a Fender Strato does not sound like a Gibson SG. Like the good old days; advantage and disadvantage. We love it or hate it.
I like. I knew the old pedals that blow, and Digital. But here, at least, was sound, stage and studio (tested and made compraisons).
It sounds real, direct, or even too much sometimes, but "YFO métrizé labeti"

In addition, if you get lost in the prog, yet simple, try the program on PC (Mac?), Who saves everything, and facilitates manipulations.


The config, just read, and edit on a regular computer.
To edit, if a zikos says "it's too sharp, there," just select "amp", and adjust the treble. Is that clear? Then later, if it's going, press 2 times "write", and oh surprise, it's still! No more simple, basic.

The layout of pedals can be full of surprises. For that, better to use the editor. A pedal may control the intensity of the echo or the speed of the phaser, while the other will be a wha, instead of the volume, or something else, if you want! the dream, it's been 30 years I expected that. (Reference to a user of my age who did not like).

The big thing is the ability to calibrate the tempo of the echo with "control". For example, when the drummer moves his chopsticks, press the button 4 times ur, and the echo will syncrhro with the song. Same with the flanger, phasing, etc ...


The sound, well, it's more "live amp" that many pedals "mega-turbo-over-destroyer", but it depends on what you do. I have also a Line 6 Guitar Port, which only works on my PC (when the shit does not usb). But here, there's no words. It is "scratch".

Tested with: Fender Strato, Vigier Passion2, Apex 84, Ovation Country legend ...
Every time? well, cest not the same!

About using MIDI, the parameters are recognized in Cubase SX when you move the pedals, but the tempo of the echo does not seem to react to the tempo change (for now at least). Too bad, it could make a real "VST hardware".

In addition, for the most reticent, it can disengage the effects presets to use as a set of independent pedals. Plus a built-in tuner.

For cons, the weight is there. But it must be done to deter zikos smoking and drinking, especially if we take DELIVERIES (joke, though ...)! but hey, given the number of amp heads and cabinets you are carrying. That said, it looks solid. (Hey, Vox is Chinese?)


It's been one month that I have, and I find a real difference (besides, my hair grows on the front). I do not master yet, but it's like buying a set of pedals. Do not worry, just a little practice.

The price? I got it new for € 420 ... in Audio Partner to Pigalle. 15 days of waiting, but hey, close to home, it is still worth € 500!

As y 'is one that has already been said, buy 4 or 5 pedals "vintage", and do the accounts.

I would do this choice, except of course the day they come out the version "over + mega trick"