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Vox Tonelab SE
Vox Tonelab SE
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petitvélo petitvélo
Published on 11/13/05 at 04:55
See everything the site says or does Vox


It's pretty simple to use, but it is a factory gas useless (I explain why below)


Effects as much as you want, what for?
The simulation ... it parat some prfrent the inflatable dolls (that mchant, I think so!).
What effect I prfre when the Tonelab is dyed! (Apologies for the humor)


I'll play the empcheur around in circles.
As for the hardware boxes which I think does not MRIT same.
To place myself, with more than 50 years, I prfre authenticity of these devices. If you dress in a Twingo Ferrari, you will not have a Ferrari.
A friend informed me that prter multi-effects for me to try it and it does not t my dception.
The dressing, all you want, the real one is away!
Plus, who can certify that it will use all the effects (some trs relatives) on offer, or those crs, the feet are warm on scne to switch because the other unless you want to tap dance at the same time!
I test a sound system for amplification neutral for me this tape of the eye. A beautiful woman makeup too.
When I board on my Fender lights, I suddenly will appreciate the warmth, roundness and everything of his I had.
I quickly packed up the Vox to return the expditeur regretting the hours that I had passed on, yet knowing that I left with a positive attitude after reading DIFFERENT review
At the friend who was the Vox prt Ricardo Moyano (a large matre, see online). He took the Tlcaster (to try) which had t make me use a BMD. There was virtually no effect on the Tonelab and when he has played c'tait magic, he would have had a rotten guitar in hand, it would have t as magical.
Résumé in a nice little amp lamps, two small pedals (distortion + chorus) and a trs good technique and it will be perfect.
It is tempting to hide the weakness of his game by layers of effects, such as makeup can mask an ugly button, but the illusion does not last long. It is useless to copy a particular sound of any guitar, you have to play as we feel, with its guts, to make a key piece, and not to imitate the magic happen (the sample included no shortage of fabulous ).
You have to work his instrument well matriser, the effects will be useless.
If I could, through my opinion (only mine), at least discourage a person from making this purchase I would be happy. Let simple, let's zen .........
In conclusion, my apologies for this svrit this is only my opinion and I fully assume. I give everyone the right not to be agree with my opinion and for some owners to be happy with this device, although rflchir before making this purchase and ask the right questions.
I will end with the beautiful phrase of a reader / user, who has written for me to comment: "It's the marketing that goes CRER needs nonexistent." This sentence is very clear and gave me a great pleasure. A MDIT srieusement.
Good music.