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Vox Tonelab SE
Vox Tonelab SE
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shredmaster shredmaster
Published on 07/21/05 at 13:08
Pdalier of bourrain, trs impressive, lit in the dark, the effect is guaranteed star wars lol!!
2 expression pedals, a nice 12AX7 tube being protected by a cover trs solid (as long as it not jump feet together). an editor mac / PC is available.
many effects (normal for a multi-effects) of modlisations, and presets (24x4 = 96). rpt everyone is a few times, but it is convenient to make their own patch from a preset already exists. trs beautiful book in its cover, so good ...


VERY VERY simple, and for proof, I reu manual in German, Spanish and chosen second language, I have found everything alone, and it works thunder! only problem I can not grasp the principle of the button CONTROL, m'enfin, everything else is very simple, intuitive trs!
was the question The manual is clear and sufficient? ... <p class="bbcode-cite"> Quote: <span>The manual is clear and sufficient? ...</span>
the bin ..... I yrpondre evil, but I do not doubt that yes ....
PS: excellent! connect headphones, turn up the volume of output, and you can play in silence without the amp!! very practical, especially since the sound is pure pure pure, and you say that nothing is better! ;)


The effects are drastically, fantastically, tonnament, unconstitutional (not the I m'gare DSOL well made, either in fact or in effect modlisations ... I made a sound 100% Fender, and much smoke on the water as if I shut up!! you can do anything, I programmed the exact sound of Nothing Else Matters, a good sound correct, everything! the transition j ' the opportunity to say two things: First, my gear: I change, I talk about my guitar, so until I had a scratch 180 (which is also excellent) and a JCM 900 with EL34 Groove Tubes and the sound is wonderful dj! deuzio: I also play the death grind (like Vital Remains, emperor, immortal or (...) Carla Bruni) and must be sought by searching a bit but good and polish thoroughly, you can find one close to the trs moonspell, or venom, but it's a bit tense at the sound of choppers, a little tight ...
just for this tiny default almost non-existent elsewhere since I found my happiness, I put 9 "only" hi hi hi


I've had 4 or 5 months, and I'm delighted, it is phnomnal and this aprem yet I made wonderful Discoveries may be due to the absence of other manual ...
Patrick RONDAT the sounds give the whip, and the crunch has jimi send to the moon!

I is not 10, because perfection is not of this world (although, now c'tait ....) but if possible, I would put 9.99!