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65amps Colour Boost
65amps Colour Boost
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koumarou koumarou

«  Excellent! »

Published on 04/28/11 at 02:27
Trebble Booster, that's it! If this is what we seek, then Bingo! If we do not know better, we must look elsewhere.


Manual? What manual?
2 knobs: Voice and Gain


I use a Vox AC30 CC2X with a Gibson SG Standard.
Perfect in me. The boost adds just the right thing. No major difference in the level of output on a crunch sound (I use only the coupled two channels of my amp). The sound is bold, clear, sublime ... The character of the guitar and amp are kept
By changing the volume of the guitar is very dynamic, we can even return to a sound almost clean. The voice of Knob allows great precision settings (from low to high).
Briefly, a single pedal, in line with the Dallas Rangemaster, and super efficient.


I was looking for a boost, I bought the MXR MICROAMP ... since resold. I went into the manufacture of clones OC44 and there I began to understand that the Grail was not far. With this pedal I won, I think to keep a good time.