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Boss DC-3 Digital Dimension & Digital Space-D
Boss DC-3 Digital Dimension & Digital Space-D

Chorus for Guitar from Boss

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8oris 8oris
Published on 08/22/09 at 16:36
What are the effects or types of effects available?


What technology is used? (Analog, numrique, lamp ...)


Are ditables? Via an editor Mac / PC?

Yes with 4 knobs

Effect Level: Adjusts the output level of the effect

EQ: Adjusts the range frequency drives on which the effect will act

Rate: Speed ​​chorus

Depth: Depth of the chorus.


What is the connection? (Audio / MIDI)?

Boss pedals classic, with a stereo output.

Is this a rack or rack MODEL? *



For a factory pedals there are more than 10 years, she is in perfect state, it's the boss: simple and indestructible. 10/10


Configuration gnrale Is it easy?

Yes. Take the time to understand how the EQ knob, which is unusual on a chorus but otherwise nothing complicated.

The edition of sound effects or is it easy?


The manual is clear and sufficient? ... *

Ever seen.


Apart from the EQ knob that can Drout at beginners, RAS. Are obtained trs good sound in almost all cases, under reserve of pushing the output volume. 8 / 10


The effects are they effective, suitable and adequate ralistes?

The DC-3 provides chorus trs deep, beautiful my ear. But there is also a small numrique ct, but not in the wrong sense. It is both subtle and trs particulirement effective. To my ear, I feel that this chorus is a bit like a reverb. Anyway, the chorus are perfectly Defines, and crystals. No overdrive (as I have seen on other models chorus), no buzz, bypass boss (which suits me, not for purists dplaise) <img class="smiley" src="https://fr.audiofanzine.com/images/audiofanzine/interface/smileys/icon_wink.gif" alt="" />
<a title="Demo DC3" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCb4e0oONTk">Dmo little</a> Rapidos made ​​(for the camra DSOL well rotted)

Which instruments do you use?

ESP LH + MH400NT Valbee

What are those you prfrez, you dtest? *

Personally, I push the knob in the bottom Level. For the EQ, I RULES in the low mdiums. In his clear is divine. With distortion, it is much colder but this can lead agrmenter few well-chosen plans.


Nothing wrong: it sounds. This is a typical small dfintivement varietoche ct / synth in the chorus but it's so beautiful and never "rude". We like it or not: Personally, I love ... 9 / 10


How long have you use it?

For 6 months. I found it on ebay USD for a hundred euro. It is true that attracted me by its pedals ct "mythical" about it but opinions are divided on plutt its quality and are all made money. Anyway, 100 for a chorus seems to me not an amount "astronomical".

What is the particular feature you like best and least?

The resulting sound is really trs deep, subtle and original but the setting is really ais.
I regret that the output level is a bit low even pushed into a corner. Besides the pedals do not allow my mind to get weird effects, the setting range forces remain in usable sounds.
For stereo output, I have not had a chance to try but I guess it must be even better.

Have you tried many other models before acqurir?

I had a chorus Belcat, and a behringer ... <img class="smiley" src="https://fr.audiofanzine.com/images/audiofanzine/interface/smileys/icon_biggrin.gif" alt="biggrin" /> I think of good dung. So I had no other chorus pedals approaches Ormis via multi effects ...

How do you report qualitprix?

Trs good for me. APRS, it happens to see them go on Ebay for over 200 which seems to me a bit even when xagr ..

Exprience with, you will do again this choice? ... *

For the same price, yes!


A chorus pedals original type, which should be many. Simple rule, nice design, mythical. In short, if you see an opportunity and that your bank is in its proper PERIOD, Do not hesitate!

9 / 10