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< All Roger Mayer Voodoo Vibe reviews
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Roger Mayer Voodoo Vibe
Roger Mayer Voodoo Vibe
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cortmgm cortmgm
Published on 05/12/10 at 17:42
100% pure analogue


many knobs but it's still manageable
2-y 'just for the speed
other more subtle knobs depending on the selected effect

note its settings as the knobs are sensitive


for Hendrix style, Robin Trower, Pink Floyd

it goes Nickel


I do not have 1500 euros to buy a real Univibe
I tested the VIBE2 already and I was disappointed (not understand ....)
I love Hendrix, Robin Trower, "Machine Gun" etc. etc. and I bought this pedal to use essentially the way "CHORUS" which is a misnomer since it is a mixed chorus and leslie cab .... . Univibe short sound
The -

_pédale expensive
_taille imposing
_réglages numerous and careful

the +

_the his terrible
(The tremolo is very good but I do not use bcp)
_embellit the grain of the guitar (even with intensity at 0) = Analog

it's been good six years since I have this pedal ..... not easy to put it in my bag with the other ..... but when I trip I embarked

I validate!