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Akai Professional Head Rush E2
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wwhhhaatt wwhhhaatt

« One of the best loopers »

Published on 07/12/11 at 08:37
Digital delay with three modes: standard delay, tape echo emulation, and looper. It has 23 seconds of delay time.

There are controls for level of the delay or looper, high frequency damping (high end roll off), feedback, time, ratio, and head gap.

1/4' inputs and outputs including a wet only output, mix output (head 1), and outputs for heads 2,3 and 4. It requires a 9volt Dc adapter


I bought this pedal second hand without a manual and didn't have too hard of a time figuring it out. The basic set up is just like any other delay pedal but gets a little more intricate if you plan on using the individual head outputs. I did not get too into that part but it allows you to send four separate delay lines out through different outputs. The delay lines are divided by the ratio and head gap knobs.


I used this pedal in a guitar set up and the sound quality was great. I never really noticed any tonal degradation but then again I'm not super particular about that kind of thing. I don't set my amp up with just the guitar and then expect it to sound exactly the same after plugging ten pedals in line before it. The tape echo mode was very nice and the high frequency damping allows you to get a pretty authentic sound. I am sure you would notice the difference in a studio but for live use I would much rather drag this out then bring an old actual tape unit out that requires maintenance. The looping was very clean and the stomps have a great feel. This is on par if not better than the line 6 dl4 in regards to getting you loops in time.


I have heard of problems with people loosing loops and other hiccups but I never came across this in the 2 years I owned it.

I think I am in the majority when I say that I used this pedal in looper mode 99% of the time. The delays sounded fine and I'm sure there are people out there that love the separate "head" outputs but I think there are better options for a stand alone delay pedal. The looper is just great and is worth the price of admission on it's own. I no longer own the pedal but I would buy one again in a heart beat if I needed another looper.