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Jacques Stompboxes The Prisoner
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Published on 02/07/11 at 18:19
The Jacques Stompboxes The Prisoner is a unique analog delay pedal. It's unique because it's also got a built in modulation effect. The pedal has 1/4" connections for input and output and requires power from a nine volt power supply. It's not rack mountable since it's a foot pedal.


Using the Jacques Stompboxes Prisoner shouldn't prove to be too difficult for anyone. It simply has a series of knobs to work that control the level, time, repeat, modulation, and rate parameters. That's all there is to the pedal, so if you're feeling confused at all I'd just recommend playing with it to get an idea of how everything will affect your tone as a manual probably won't be much more help.


I love the sound of the Jacques Stompboxes Prisoner as you get the best of all possible worlds here. The delay is fantastically clean sounding while still maintaining a certain fullness that you get with true analog delay pedals. I also love having the modulation in here as well as it helps to beef up your overall sound and makes the delays sound a bit more watery. The pedal mixes your original tone with the delay rather than digitizing it as digital delay pedals will do. It makes a huge difference in the overall cleanliness of your sound.


The Jacques Stompboxes Prisoner pedal is a great analog delay pedal to add to any rig. It definitely sounds like an analog delay pedal, but not as much as older gear. This isn't a bad thing to me at all, as I really like the clean analog delay sound you can get from this pedal. The price isn't outlandish but it's not cheap and definitely designed for experienced players looking for great tone who are willing to spend a little bit. If I didn't already have an analog delay pedal I'd consider this one for sure and may even do so anyway sometime in the future...