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< All Boss DS-1 Distortion (Japan) reviews
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Boss DS-1 Distortion (Japan)
Boss DS-1 Distortion (Japan)
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spouks spouks
Published on 04/23/08 at 02:03
THE orange box does it need to be submitted? Well, ok, we do it anyway ... The DS-1 Japan (known as Black Label) is one of distortion pedals that are the most famous. It's a stompbox everything from classic. The technology is analog. Jack 1 IN, 1 OUT, 1 DC 9V power supply jack from home boss, nothing too surprising. Note here that the pedal is analog, it is less subject to concerns arising from the use of another power supply that Boss digital pedals. Some even used this pedal with 12V DC: I think she can survive, you will probably win something in sound, but hey, attention is a collector, now ... 3 knobs: drive, tone, level ... What sutrprise! I put 9 for the location of the stack at Boss ... Note that my switch begins to suffer (at the same time, it has almost 25 years, these pedals are still virtually indestructible)

Edit 21/06/2011: attention is the Boss ACA! In fact my problem came from that switch.


So we wonder if the config is simple, I say so, should not have been normal sup 'to understand the Bestio, CA. It could not be more simple Similarly, the Tone knob is reactive, the Progressive Drive well and Level can really boost your sound if you wish. Manuel ... I challenge anyone to find me a manual DS-1 Black Label (attention no cheating!): I think it must be rare, especially since it has never served anyone. Whoever takes me a picture of such a genuine piece of paper, he came to Lille and I pay a Tripel Karmeliet pressure!

Edit 21/06/2011: I'm not a big fan of Karmeliet. chouffe one?


Let's see if you feel the question his quarter century of the beast ... Ben ... Yes and no! Yes, because the sound, although mat has an unmistakable color, and no, because if we compare with the current DS-1 is the day and night! The distortion sounds great, very even. The foot is not cut for the very big sound, but it's still a distortion: the drive with the kids, imagining still not make a clean boost ... For those to whom the difference between distortion and overdrive escapes, which I understand completely, you should try a DS-1 and TS than taking courses in physics: the OD is a special case of the distortion, the rendering is completely different. To be mild, still means that it is not an OD. Personal I like to couple the two for a little stoner sound, it works well (it depends mostly on stuff around actually). Although that'm a fan of the overdrive or fuzz when it's necessary, this distortion is one of the few that really convinced me. Of course, there are distos heavier for those who prefer, more modern too. But hey, with a Start and a small amp, it's still not bad. Although with low too.

This pedal is really great versatility, which is one of the two strengths, the other being that it is hard to get tired and almost impossible to get rid ...

I return to the versatility. Since I changed my amp, this pedal I use less often. I like it, but I have heard and OD distos that really convinced me. More expensive, of course.

Edit 21/06/2011: I emerged, I like it, this small, it blows a little, but hey, it's not unpleasant


I use it for a year, I found it on Ebay for 80 euros. I like its texture, versatility, mythical side as well, we do not hide. Besides this aspect a bit irrational not be overlooked: it is that makes you feel good and once we play a little better! Besides this side a little mystique is very common among addicts Tubescreamer (I understand), they invoke the JRC 4558D chip as a god and are willing to pay 120 euros for a reissue TS9 when this component is approximately 25 cents ...

To return to the DS-1, I tried a few other distos before, but it was the most accurate, the hottest too. As I do not play metal is perfect for me. I agree with a previous opinion regarding the purchase. Better not to rush: the increasing scarcity makes him appreciate in value, but hey, when I see the argus set at 110 euros, I'm not sure I would have bought at that price ... Mine? No I do not claim!

The Argus has declined somewhat since then, and that's fine. Clearly, the DS1 Japan is much better than his cousin today. But between that and a T-Rex Mudhoney, I return my jacket fissa.