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Boss MT-2 Metal Zone
Boss MT-2 Metal Zone
lala-lala lala-lala
Published on 01/05/07 at 01:47
Flight / gain / bass / treble / mid with parametric.


The mid is a bit hot to settle but it's worth it to take the lead


So there I notice 2:
- A transistor amplifier: the sound sucks, screaming, drooling, in short, rotten (test linebaker laney, 8080 mashall and jazz chorus)
- On a tube amp: there is a vamp! this pedal is the only boss among those I tested (Megadisto, Distortion, Overdrive / Distosion) that keeps the sound set. Contrary to what you may think I do not play metal, or the trash or the abrupt-dark-speed-crust-core. At the time I have I played the chopper NOFX, and other groups of ska-core (Kargols, Voodoo Glow Skull). The gain to 13.00, my telecaster plugged into a jcm 800, the sound is nickel: defined, clean, without taking up huge bass.

I put 9 / 10 with transistors because it sucks.


I bought two in order to have two sounds together! but since I have my new amp (Fender Prosonic) I leave aside.

This pedal has taught me how to react differently to amp distortion.

To answer those ranting against the pedal:
1 / Even the best pedal in the world sound "mredrique" in a stagg amp 15 watts.
2 / the sound is primarily a matter of taste, then the idiots who say "shame on you who loves MT2" ... (And then no, I do not finish the sentence, I am afraid to be vulgar)