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Boss MT-2 Metal Zone
Boss MT-2 Metal Zone
adrienpriest adrienpriest
Published on 07/13/05 at 01:59
This is one of distortion pedals trs basic: one input and one out knobs .... trs is typ mtal as the name implies. But it can get a Manir rgl of his rock-hard rock type 70.
There a volume knob a distortion level and the four other fate equalization ...


Then rarely has one with pedals poterds ragissaient extrment well ... they just turn your qualos especially, the sound varies ...
plutt rgler is simple (but a normal pedals all that is more basic !!!)....
It is important not to put an amp with a lamp because it mtal pedals for beginners ... is the kind of pedals to the metal that is obtained first before replacing it with the stuff ... so much better for dutant and place on a transistor amp on clean channel. use fairly simple.


Then is the fall: the pedals is vrment of crap ... its a super cold!
when a little tuft low notes for rhythmic heavy metal, it is a disaster!!
was one of his synthetic style tchii tchiiii tchiiiii tchiiiii ..... Here is what finally.
I may be hard but as with the PSAL's love of lights, here we vrment no resemblance!


I have for about 8 months but I do not use ... she serves as during travel or something like when I was not predict my amp, a means is NEVER ....
I really hate the pedals and it's a mtalleux tells you ... if you like the sound of the genre Mettalica or other pedals then this will not help you get closer to this sound ... report quality price is not too good but dgeux prfrez much as anything else Rocktron "metal planet" ...