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Boss MT-2 Metal Zone
Boss MT-2 Metal Zone
MGR/Anonymous MGR/Anonymous

« Boss Metal Zone 2 »

Published on 12/27/02 at 15:00
I got this bad boy at a local music shop (Axe music) for about $120

i really like the versatility. I mean i play in a punk band and i can get out the ronchy sound i want and still get that "air sucked out of the room" distortion when im playin my metallica.

i dont like the fact that it runs through batteries like a mother fucker and that it doesnt come with a adapter and that u have to buy one for $50

holy shit dont get me started!...this thing is a mother fuckin tank!...it is indestructable!

if u dont buy this after this review...im gonna have to smack u in the face with a phonebook.

This review was originally published on http://www.musicgearreview.com