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< All ProCo Sound RAT 2 - ModeRat - Modded by MSM Workshop reviews
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ProCo Sound RAT 2 - ModeRat - Modded by MSM Workshop
ProCo Sound RAT 2 - ModeRat - Modded by MSM Workshop
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Thierry255 Thierry255

«  +++ RAT much better than the model "factory" !!! »

Published on 06/04/13 at 01:43
See reviews prcdents - Note a mini-jack socket for electric power ncessaire. Here we talk about RAT2 mode MSM Workshop: addition of the LM308 chipset (the "legendary" Rat "original" - the "vintage" what) + possibilities for mini switches modes to choose from Rat / Turbo Rat / Booster - then OD mode, or distortion - last but switch to choose between a more rounded or more aggressive
A box giving the impression of solidity.
From analog !! And C is good!


3 knobs volume gain and tone made to act on the treble.
On the end of the race of "gain" a distortion is obtained "compress" with a small fuzzy ct (small I said).
Have a look on the website page for more information;)


I found the version "stock" mean my taste. A ct dirty that I liked but as a veil over the sound. The tone of rglage does not suit me either.
Some might say that the difference between the model "stock" and modifi is minimal, I do not think so !! If I had not changed amp (I use today amp distortion), I would use again! The mod has Extruded Cut this sailing espce on the sound, I really did not like. And the tone is more efficient!
Moreover, with the switches DIFFERENT were many possibilities! Hard not to find happiness.
In any case a C pedal with its own character, it dirties sound without dnaturer. Love it or do not like, but it never leaves indifferent :)


With the mod I rediscovered this pedal that did not please me at first sight !!!
She really has the personality test so for someone looking for a distortion pedal a little "dirty" (C anything but smooth my taste). Love it or do not!
I highly recommeded the modified model that my ears had nothing to do with the model "stock" at the perue quality.
When the MSM mod DLAI and labor quality performed nothing wrong !!! On top!