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Marshall 8008
Marshall 8008

Guitar Power Amplifier from Marshall belonging to the ValveState I series

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Manu27 Manu27
Published on 03/12/06 at 13:47
Amp transistors 2 X 80 watts per channel into 4 ohms
between A (mono) and B
A and B output
connectors jacks
a button on / off and faade - 1 volume per channel
a linear switch / Valvestate the rear
U 1 format
a note because we demand no more for a amplli power (which is still also not as a compltement possde volumes and a switch


C trs clear


Perfect for any style of music if not to wait for an amp that changes the sound ... it simply restores the signal
The switch builds serious Valvestate mode but it's useless with a prampli
the power of 2 x 80 watts is more than enough and never grows back even with a drummer who bangs like a lumberjack ...
Just average for his because he does nothing more


Use for 10 years
not a problem with, or buttons that crack
TRS is reliable and yet I ask a lot
the price is great value
If I had the dough, I would buy a mesa, but the is enough
it's not the amp makes the sound, the guitarist, the speakers and the effects
In note 8 overall because it is reliable trs