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< All Dunlop MC404 CAE Wah reviews
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Published on 10/19/09 at 16:44
Wah with two response curves, mechanical rack (with the old, but it seems tight, not to sputter in a few years ... See you at the time!), An adjustable boost, switched along with the wah when activated.
I have done but by a rack model, yes: should cough up for having
9V (the classic) or battery. I feed through my personal pedalboard, no problemo.


No manual needed: it switches on the bottom of the stroke, raise the toes, this is it you want me listening to it whaou
Attention to the pedalboard, will leave room to the left and right: the booster and the push to change the curve are on both sides.
Note the "bypass" is not all wha who (see below)
Note also the boost: if it is active and allowed the level to a minimum, we do not change the volume of the guitar. For cons, the buffered signal (I spread my new science). Clearly, there is the electric level: the signal is much less sensitive to background noise.


For me, the old-wah, aggressive but not too dark but not too musical. We can play the shaft in its quiet clear. With distortion, it does extremely well too. We keep a good momentum, the first of the qualities essential to any effect for me. Change the curve, we are left with a universe a bit more serious, darker, it is clearly audible, but it's still in the same spirit, just as musical.
And FINALLY, real transparency (true bypass or not, it will be bumps). Tired of these pedals is that switchers or add gadgets to get real transparency when it does not use the wah. Here, for once, no difference in effect not directly engaged and guitar.
And the boost is a little icing on the cake: practical, not mandatory, does not color the sound (well, really a tiny tad).


bought this weekend, I wanted not to take my head and return to direct wah sounds I heard and loved as: contract completed
It's quite expensive (€ 230 in Paris department store), rather than the competing wah, but hey, we have a life and me is that I buy only the second (all others c It was not my boss and digital I bought long ago, she took the dust because ultimately, it does not really)
Be seen whether the use of the pedal is as quiet over time.
In any case, sound level, this is what I wanted.
Wednesday, she joined the local interest and it will repeat to spin right, if I ask the drummer stepped on him.