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Snarling Dogs Whine-O

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  • Q2makakQ2makak

    Snarling Dogs Whine-OPublished on 12/12/07 at 02:29
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    Wah-3 modes
    -There is a knob to select the three modes and a volume knob that adjusts the color of sound.

    Wah in a 3's cool: an acting rather on the low, one who acts instead on a sharp and balanced ... I think it can play it with any instrument.


    All is very simple, I was not of record and frankly there is not need.


    The 3-modes are useful, for against the volume is a kind of rate of coloration of the pedal, I usually put it at 0 because I often used a Disto engaged and it becomes too dirty if I turn this color . AC can be used in clean, but I have not used much clean.


    I use it for 6 months
    The 3-modes are good…
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    Wah-3 modes
    -There is a knob to select the three modes and a volume knob that adjusts the color of sound.

    Wah in a 3's cool: an acting rather on the low, one who acts instead on a sharp and balanced ... I think it can play it with any instrument.


    All is very simple, I was not of record and frankly there is not need.


    The 3-modes are useful, for against the volume is a kind of rate of coloration of the pedal, I usually put it at 0 because I often used a Disto engaged and it becomes too dirty if I turn this color . AC can be used in clean, but I have not used much clean.


    I use it for 6 months
    The 3-modes are good, I tell myself that I will not change because of Wah Wah I find my account no matter what. The least, this may be the activation of the pedal, you must support it to enable it and pressed again to turn it off, it would be more accurate if it lit up at the slightest touch and turn off when it removes his foot ... High Tech when you hold us ...
    -I have not used other Wah-Wah is strictly speaking outside of the Yamaha DG60fx + expression pedal, which was good so and so.
    -I was used € 70 so for me it's perfect, I do not know how much it costs at nine but for more than € 120 I think it is better to spend its way (if one is studying like me of course).
    -If I tried to choose another Wah I can be other than the one, but I'm happy with my investment, I'm not sure to find one really better for the price I bought it .
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