New Prices on Vox Satriani Signature Models
NewsVOX Amplification announces new, lower prices on select models of VOX/Joe Satriani signature effect pedals.
[NAMM] Vox V846-HW Wah Wah Pedal
NewsNAMMVox Amplification introduced the V846-HW Wah Wah pedal, designed to pay homage to the original Wah Wah pedal.
[NAMM] Vox V845
NewsNAMMVOX Amplification is displaying the V845 Wah Wah Pedal.
[NAMM] Vox Big Bad Wah & Time Machine
NewsNAMMVox Amplification expands the Vox & Joe Satriani guitar effects line with the introduction of the Big Bad Wah dual wah pedal and the Time Machine delay pedal.