Seymour Duncan SH-55B Seth Lover Bridge - "Perfect ten."
This humbucking pickup has the standard stats - two coils, gold-plated metal cover, gold-plated screws, the whole 9 yards. I'm a fan of vintage guitar tones - old Gibson guitars just knock my sock…
Seymour Duncan SSL-5 Custom Staggered Strat - "Hot and vintage"
Seymour Duncan makes some of the best old school pickups out on the market. While Dimarzio might pride themselves on their modern sounding pickups and EMG has their active metal lineup. This is one o…
Seymour Duncan Jazz Model 7 String Neck - "Good passive 7 string neck pickup"
Seymour Duncan is a popular pickup maker. They are more known for their old school or classic pickups. So when they started making 7 string versions of these pickups I was quite surprised. I thought …
Seymour Duncan SH-6B Duncan Distortion Bridge - cazu's review
translatedI used it on several guitars since 1991 (not all mine): Aria, Ibanez, strata, TV (Squier) Les Paul copy and Jagstang. It is these last two the result I found most friendly, especially the Les Paul …
Seymour Duncan SH-2N Jazz Model Neck - Le Jack's review
translatedI use the microphone for close to one year (it was already mounted on the guitar, Cf: opinion on the Schecter C1). I have not used a lot of microphones set before it: the SH4 JB which is mounted o…
Seymour Duncan SA-6 Mag Mic - " Great!"
translatedInstalled on my Guild D25 last year. So my guitar has become the "number one" when I play amplified. Goodbye ES piezo and other of my Taylor which are not worth what I want on stage. I bought i…
Seymour Duncan SH-4 JB Model - " the microphone ideal for soloists!"
translatedI tried several times, once on a jackson soloist USD in configuration 2 single and 1 double and again more recently on a Shecter Blackjack 7-string configuration 2 doubles. I tried EMG 81, EMG 85, …
Seymour Duncan SCR-1N Cool Rails Strat Neck - " Not bad, but not amazing."
translatedI set up a kit "rails" on my strat Mexico, to replace the original pickups all rotten. The combination is: hot rail bridge, vintage rail rail internmédiaire and cool handle. Cool about the rail, it…
Seymour Duncan Invader 7-String Bridge - Teurastaja's review
translatedI have this mic for about a month, it was installed on my peavey predator tr7. Needless to say I use it almost exclusively in its full, and that's what it is made. The clear its not transcendent, b…
Seymour Duncan STK-T1N Vintage Stack Tele Neck - Z3r0's review
translatedI use it for three months on my tl Mexico. "I likes the sound of this micro stack (a simple two microphones on the other) that allows me to get good clean sounds relatively warm and enjoyable and w…
Seymour Duncan SLS-1N Lipstick Tube Strat Neck - " a great micro a great brand"
translatedHow long have you use it? I use it less than a year managed a ibanez s2170 with a config that runs from neck to bridge sh4 / SLS1 / sh2 Have you tried many other models before buying it? I t…
Seymour Duncan APH-2S Alnico II Pro Slash Set - " Stunning!"
translatedI replaced the pickups of my Tokai LC85 these mics about six months ago and it has to be literally transformed my guitar! The MKII's original Tokai are not bad, they sound very vintage but are a b…
Seymour Duncan SH-11 Custom Custom - Arbaal's review
translatedMicro trs Rock'N'Roll, but with an output level more than adequate, allowing it to make the metal ^ ^ Many middle and treble, it lacks a little low, but it's perfect to play on the kind of amp Mesa…
Seymour Duncan SVR-1B Vintage Rails Strat Bridge - guigue26's review
translatedWell here is my story: j I bought a Yamaha AES frank GAMBALLE signature, which is equipped with two Hot Rails in the neck position and middle. those I did not like it was 100% due to non-existen…
Seymour Duncan SP90-3B Custom P90 Bridge - vlandrieu's review
translatedI have now for two solid months and I do not regret my investment. Purchased to replace the bridge on a micro Paul Reed Smith SE Soapbar should be relatively well but the spacing dimension of the blo…