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pro tools problem

  • 6 replies
  • 4 participants
Topic pro tools problem
i need help with setting up pro tools. there is a message that comes up about buffering. i have a quad core processor and 2gb of ram. but it still has this buffering message. is there something i need to do as far as setting up a particular combination of settings, or what. it mostly come during playback and recording.
Have you experimented with your playback engine?  I would try increasing or decreasing your buffer size in there before anything else...

[ Post last edited on 02/11/2010 at 11:32:46 ]

ok i tried that, today. but its still the samething
Hmmm...did you try it on all of the different settings? These things can be tricky...What kind of computer are you running it on exactly?  Do you have a lot of plug-ins running in the session? How many tracks? These are the types of things that will slow down the system...
1. start pro tools, but dont open a session
2. press ctr + alt + delete
3. go to the processes tab
4. right click on pro tools and go to 'affinity'
5. uncheck all but 1 box so that pro tools is only running on 1 processor
6. everything should be perfect now
i need to unlock pro tools 8.What do i need to do?
I need to unlock pro tools 8