Twisted Electrons announces the availability of Acid8, a new hybrid analog/digital synthesizer equipped with an 8-bit oscillator and a sequencer.
The 8-bit oscillator used in the new Twisted Electrons Acid8 can be manipulated to the extreme, in particular with the built-in 16 waveforms and the ability offered to the user to redraw their own shapes, the ability to apply up to 5 DSP effects at once, reverse the digital signal bit to create harmonics and strange effects, chain envelope modulation to pitch to create percussive sounds and more. The oscillator is digital, the rest of the signal path is analog, including the VCA and resonant filter.
- 8-bit digital oscillator section with 16 waveforms (multiple rectangles, triangles, saws and sines), 4 are editable via a software ; pulse width modulation, arpeggiator, bit crusher, sample rate reduction, envelope pitch modulation and Bit Invert effect
- Analog filter with cutoff, resonance and envelope modulation ; Accent with depth control
- 128 pattern and 16 step sequencer, 5 chains with up to 8 patterns to create full songs ; rest, accent and slide per step, 8 levels of swing, tap tempo, 5 slots for favorite patterns, pattern copy/paste and randomize ; sync via MIDI clock or 1/8” jack
- MIDI In and Out
- Sync In and Out
- Audio output
- Dimensions: 22 × 10 × 4 cm
The Acid8 ships with a software editor in which you’ll visualize and edit the pattern and draw custom waveforms.
The Acid8 is available for the price of 297 €. More info at

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