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Digidesign AudioMedia III

All user reviews for the Digidesign AudioMedia III

Internal PCI/ISA Sound Card from Digidesign

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  • RughiocheRughioche

    Digidesign AudioMedia IIIPublished on 06/19/02 at 01:47
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    I bought the software ProTools. she used to do audio editing, and mastering. This is a great card converters are fairly transparent
    I used a PowerMac 7200/90 and on a G4/400. I use a 03D deriere a DAP1




    No PB of stability I use protools with peak and we can not enrigistrer two tracks at a time.


    I have 6 years, it works great, no problem setup, hyperstable, with the exprience, I would do without this choice problem. for small structure, sound editing, mastering it is a very good compromise
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    I bought the software ProTools. she used to do audio editing, and mastering. This is a great card converters are fairly transparent
    I used a PowerMac 7200/90 and on a G4/400. I use a 03D deriere a DAP1




    No PB of stability I use protools with peak and we can not enrigistrer two tracks at a time.


    I have 6 years, it works great, no problem setup, hyperstable, with the exprience, I would do without this choice problem. for small structure, sound editing, mastering it is a very good compromise
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  • SlSl

    Digidesign AudioMedia IIIPublished on 10/21/02 at 14:40
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    Lou God I have this card today!

    I had acquired in 1999 in a package including software Digidesign Session 8 (ridicule!) or other SoundForge (light) and acid (light too).
    Note that I had a P3 450 MHz PC with 256 MB ram (the era a good computer).
    For me, Digidesign Protools c'tait, so a great brand srieuse.


    The little that I could record with a silent sound quality irrprochable.
    But did she walk ...
    Installing and Reinstalling, redmarrage in Safe Mode under Win98SE, formatting of hard, chronic instability in Cubase.
    A dsastre.


    Ms. no direct X driver (not talking about the Asio!) -----> 750 ms latency!
    No implementation date driv…
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    Lou God I have this card today!

    I had acquired in 1999 in a package including software Digidesign Session 8 (ridicule!) or other SoundForge (light) and acid (light too).
    Note that I had a P3 450 MHz PC with 256 MB ram (the era a good computer).
    For me, Digidesign Protools c'tait, so a great brand srieuse.


    The little that I could record with a silent sound quality irrprochable.
    But did she walk ...
    Installing and Reinstalling, redmarrage in Safe Mode under Win98SE, formatting of hard, chronic instability in Cubase.
    A dsastre.


    Ms. no direct X driver (not talking about the Asio!) -----> 750 ms latency!
    No implementation date driver despite dozens of complaints (and even insults) from users on the Digidesign website.


    The day has come o bni I sold a Mac owner.
    It is a fact, it's a card for Mac irrprochable who deceptively sold to t PCistes.
    Today I have a Midiman Delta 44: that happiness!

    Thank you Digidesign!
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  • sebaltosebalto

    Digidesign AudioMedia IIIPublished on 04/26/03 at 16:10
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    I bought this card to work out the use of pro tools.
    I use it for the acquisition of acoustic instruments in Stereo on Mac G3 with 350 small console output to 8 channels.
    I used my pramp Hoontech interface that runs on the PC, often between one and the same analog signal thanks to pc spdif out also that the signal in two formats


    No prob installation on mac.


    The driver is absolute stability. I've never tried to MAJ.La latency down with protools 128 samples without
    latency problem is that virtually inaudile UNDER tools.Pour pro logic I d buy another card
    I record 4 tracks and 14 read no problem.


    I have been u…
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    I bought this card to work out the use of pro tools.
    I use it for the acquisition of acoustic instruments in Stereo on Mac G3 with 350 small console output to 8 channels.
    I used my pramp Hoontech interface that runs on the PC, often between one and the same analog signal thanks to pc spdif out also that the signal in two formats


    No prob installation on mac.


    The driver is absolute stability. I've never tried to MAJ.La latency down with protools 128 samples without
    latency problem is that virtually inaudile UNDER tools.Pour pro logic I d buy another card
    I record 4 tracks and 14 read no problem.


    I have been using a an.J 'likes optimization protools (trs low latency), but regrets its performance for other logiciels.Je have bought 250 euros and have never regretted it choice.
    I had good trs rsultats with a guitar for example, but I t trs surprised the conversion loss of sound from a sound module: no more big EHJV and distortion. But the noise seems to me good and simple setup trs.
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