TopicPosted on 05/27/2006 at 20:04:26M Audio 2496,broadcasting, mics, talking on air.....
hi everyone!
I have a M Audio 2496...I also have an AKG Perception 200 plugged into a Behringer mixer. the mixer goes in my sound cards input rac i broadcast on sat nights...thing is when i turn on my mic, even though i have the dsp running and am watching the mixer...i see my self talking...hear my self in the headphones but it does not go out on air....anyone know why?
makesno sense to me....
New AFfiliate
Member 18 years ago
2Posted on 07/12/2006 at 08:20:06
hi, just fiddle around withe the "tape to control room/tape to main" switches on your Behringer desk...