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Casio WK-3800

Casio WK-3800

Keyboard Arranger from Casio

1 review
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Casio WK-3800Published on 12/18/06 at 12:56
(This content has been automatically translated from French)
Last date of avatar The series of Casio WK-3000
Arranger keyboard - 76 keys - 6 octaves.
Keyboard quip a pitch bend wheel + knob "modulation".
Connection: Midi In (USB) - Midi Out (USB) - Jack to sustain pedals - faade Headphone Jack - Rear Double Jack (Line Output)
670 sounds (224 sounds + 16 user drum sonortis).
Add that 50 organ sounds with adjustable Drawbar rglage.
All these sounds are ditables thanks to the way synthtiseur included.
166 + 16 beats prrgls custom rhythms.
This keyboard possde an effects section (242 possibilities: Reverb - Chorus - 4-part DSP-DSP Level, DSP Pan, DSP Sound Reverb, Chorus DSP Sound.
The squenceur: 6 tracks. Recording in real time or...…
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Last date of avatar The series of Casio WK-3000
Arranger keyboard - 76 keys - 6 octaves.
Keyboard quip a pitch bend wheel + knob "modulation".
Connection: Midi In (USB) - Midi Out (USB) - Jack to sustain pedals - faade Headphone Jack - Rear Double Jack (Line Output)
670 sounds (224 sounds + 16 user drum sonortis).
Add that 50 organ sounds with adjustable Drawbar rglage.
All these sounds are ditables thanks to the way synthtiseur included.
166 + 16 beats prrgls custom rhythms.
This keyboard possde an effects section (242 possibilities: Reverb - Chorus - 4-part DSP-DSP Level, DSP Pan, DSP Sound Reverb, Chorus DSP Sound.
The squenceur: 6 tracks. Recording in real time or chelon.
Dtail recording tracks: Track 1 - Auto Accompaniment (rhythm, bass, chord 1/2/3, run the keyboard) track 2,3,4,5,6 (xcution the keyboard) . The mixer is rglage indpendant for each track.
The unit is equipped with a memory card reader (SD, 1GB max), which greatly facilitates the storage of midi files, and (yes, there was more!) Of a floppy drive.
Compared to infrieur MODEL (WK-3300), we see things more diffrent: the floppy disk drive, the wheel to the modulation, the output line.


The use is not too difficult: once familiaris with menus, you juggle quite well with the bte ... The PC connection is trs cool, everything is paramtrable directly, with lots of buttons, like a big synth!
I had trouble installing the software ... He refused to CRER a directory "all users" in the documents: CRER is the directory by hand, then retry the installation, and ... Miraculously, it works!
The deals aprstlchargement install on the site of Casio impractical must go through the software (even via an SD card). Therefore persvrer!

The rhythms are available online plutt good! We regret that we can install only 16, while the machine is not cluttered with 166 beats all excellent ...


Quite a good sound.
But some BMOL, all the same: MIDI is gr by USB. You need a PC to play a different instrument. Too bad: The keyboard is great, it has a good touch and synth saw its size, it would not even bother having a PC to use an expander ...
Deuxime weakness: no way to program the pc without accompaniments. A limit embarrassing. I have a CTK-731, which allows CRER accompaniment. And play it on the WK-3800. But it's a bit heavy as procdure ...
The absence of these two functions (no real outlet for MIDI and no possibility of programming) is an argument against the acquisition of bbte ... In relation to other models, I do Achteras more. But hey, I even when 2 years and a half ...
Last concern, the sensitivity of static ELECTRICITY: The WK-3800perd the memory for anything. And often difficult light. I did not contact the Service Casio, but another user that I often had the same concern ...
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Tech. sheet

  • Manufacturer: Casio
  • Model: WK-3800
  • Category: Keyboard Arrangers
  • Added in our database on: 10/20/2006

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Other categories in Electronic instrument

Other names: wk 3800, wk3800