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Yamaha PSR-172
Yamaha PSR-172

Keyboard Arranger from Yamaha belonging to the PSR series

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Blue Jester Blue Jester
Published on 01/21/07 at 01:21
- Keyboard 61 keys, not dynamic.
- Connectors: Headphone, Sustain (pedals not included), MIDI IN and MIDI OUT.
- Sound: a hundred instruments (midi base), sounds all the more ridiculous than the other one, even the "ultra-realistic grand piano" seems to be a substitute for synthse.
- Effects: No (some instruments have a reverb, not paramtrable)


- Touch correct, 5 octaves
- Mthode to learn the piano not to the point (precision of the first exercises Demanded alienate beginners)


- Purchased in January 2004, I could make my first steps on the piano and accompaniments such as "synthstrings", the only two little pads prs valid. All other instruments are grotesque irralisme, I expected much better from a brand like Yamaha.
- It's the only synth I had hands, and that day I do not really do much more, I think resale.
- However, for this price (230), it's still nice to learn the synth by himself, especially since it has 5 octaves and the possibility of receiver / dtuner 12 half-tones (I play much in the bass).
- A consultant so for those who want to get to have a synth or twelve o'clock synthclavier cheap, but not for professional use.