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BPM StudioTechnik CR-73II
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Published on 04/12/06 at 00:11
This is a large diaphragm condenser microphone with omni and cardio and attenuator pad. It is oriented voice and instrument making. BPM does distributes more appears, from the manufacturer of the former East Germany couraging trs microphones close to Neumann.
I possde decade, it ages well, it's tough, only the suspension is Indig (RDA design!)


It is trs prcis the acute and medium, ideal on the guitar, drums and voice, he captures everything with nuance, it is more surgical than 414 C (less flattering, less warm). In the era I could not compare, there were no Chinese REFERENCE: AT c'tait 3033 (less) or AKG BPM (+ high) and Neumann (+ + + + expensive).
The report quality price ten years ago silent correct, but it does not bneficiait current competition. With the experience I would do this choice, even if it silent I pair it well distributed ERRF a twin to the stro.

C'tait micro ftiche yan tiersen on these early albums, two associated Oktava two NT5 184 KM or two you can do everything in gear noise.

Many "sellers tips" Pigalle or magazine tapped his home studio or dvalorise, it should not be relied upon, in both cases there is no interest extol the m REFERENCE rite of which are not distributing and a manufacturer that is not advertising in the mag!

The pros: quality reproduction, versatility, omni mode, solid close on a good U47 pramp.

The -: accessories distributed over quality and design GDR