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Studio Projects B1MK2
Published on 07/12/07 at 17:32
Taken mainly for voice


How long have you use it?

2 days

+ the sound is made for vocals, I find it very easy to mix precise ect ....

the - the suspension that holds the microphone as it should but it can run on anything from a micro

Have you tried many other models before acqurir?

j got 5 mics in the whole mythical sm 58, Behringer b1,
the audio Tecknik 4033, and now a b2 pro studio projects B1MK2
among all my choice is totally relate to the studio projects B1MK2
How do you report qualitprix?

very good for the home studio, I've had with the suspension and windshield
for the price that costs ca worth, my taste is much better that
a good audio Tecknik 4033 + price

Exprience with, you will do again this choice? ...

not hesitate super micro