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Studio Projects B3
angturil angturil
Published on 06/01/06 at 16:34
3 static positions
I use it to pre-prod of voice / instruments. For the def, I have refrained until Submitted (and it will continue).


Bought two months ago in an emergency APRS afternoon, mine has lach. I use mainly pre-prod, my home, in other words I'm not really looking for the quality since the acquisition of voice / instrumentals are destined to be remade in the studio with many well best microphones.

Well I must say that the services offered are largely the height, and even surprising that price l. Of course we are far from Neumann, and we know the ds departure. But it fills micro honntement its rle, although I find it quite imprcis in all ranges frequency drives, but the price we will not complain.

Ideal for the pre-production fast, to avoid the def. I would put an 8 while the same because it offers benefits that are well worth his cot.